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March 15, 2025

Lame Duck Congress Active In Policymaking, Obama Touts Progressions

December 23, 2010 Mark Ryabtsev 0

At the beginning of November when the Republicans made big gains in the United States Senate and took over the house of Representatives, many assumed that Congress would go through its lame duck session without passing any legislature and simply be stuck in endless debates until Republicans take their seats in January. (…)

House Votes On Tax Cuts and Unemployment Benefits Extensions, Turns Down Both

December 10, 2010 Mark Ryabtsev 7

Earlier this week, President Obama and the Republican Party came together and agreed on a package deal that would extend the Bush era tax cuts for all American citizens for the next two years, extend the unemployment benefits as spelled out by the 99 Weeks extension for another thirteen months, reduce the payroll tax by two percent until 2012, a decrease the estate tax as well, and an extension of tax breaks for college students and their families. (…)

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