The Current Job Situation In America
A funny thing has been happening in the United States. President Barack Obama and Congress have worked for the last two years to get as many jobs available to Americans as they can.
For nearly a year, every month has seen a notable growth in job creation. However, the unemployment rate has remained stagnant.
When the rate fell from 9.6% to 9.4% last month, the reason was not that more jobs were taken, but that citizens exhausted their benefits and simply were no longer counted due to no longer searching for work.
And THAT is the problem with the unemployment situation in the United States.
The jobs are there. Over one million jobs have been added in the last year in various industries in the United States. Jobs have been created from high-level corporate jobs to working for minimum wage and in factories. Regardless of education level, there is a job out there that would accept you if you’re smart about it.
For every American that has taken advantage of the opportunities created by President Obama and Congress, there are a few who have just sat at home and waited on the unemployment benefit checks to come in the mail.
The System Is Fine
The system should not be knocked, as it is as good as it can be. It’s unreasonable to demand that every single person on unemployment be thoroughly inspected often enough and closely enough to make sure they are not abusing the system. The unfortunate fact is that while some are truly thankful for the assistance from the government and are using it as an opportunity to get back in the workforce, there are those who realized they could just sit at home, reduce their standard of living a little bit, and just collect a check.
The truth of the matter is that jobs are out there and they are abundant. At the end of 2010, areas like the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington DC, Baltimore, San Jose, Cleveland, Boston, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Charlotte, Atlanta, and other big cities had around 100 job listings for every 1,000 people in the area. San Jose topped the list with 162 job openings for every 1,000 people. Other cities like New York, Chicago, and Pittsburgh had just under 50 job openings for every 1,000 people. (See job map.)
How can people possibly claim that there simply are no jobs for them when over one million jobs were created in the last year on top of the job openings that were already there? Especially the 99ers who have already collected 99 weeks of unemployment and recently held a candlelight vigil because they didn’t get an additional 13 months. Boohoo! Fix up your resumes, improve your skillset, read some books, learn proper punctuation and get a job like everyone else.
If the 99ers want to continue collecting money for over 99 weeks, guess what? It’s no longer called unemployment. It’s called welfare.
How Hard Are 99ers Really Trying?
The truth of the matter is while it is reasonable that in smaller cities and less populated areas, jobs are scarce and the need for unemployment benefits are really there. But for most of the men and women collecting unemployment benefits, there’s a good chance they’re abusing the system.
A reasonable amount of unemployment time is understandable but where do these brash 99ers get off feeling a sense of entitlement that everyone should pool their tax dollars and just hand them to a 99er while they sit at home feeling sorry for themselves while making little effort to improve their own situation.
Now, maybe someone who used to make $200,000 a year can’t find a job paying quite as much, but at a time of true desperation, what’s stopping that person from working at the local mall or restaurant?
Then there are those who are simply going about things wrong.
Mistakes The Unemployed Make
One common mistake is sending the wrong message with a poorly constructed resume. Many 99er’s are aiming for jobs and turning in resumes with spelling and grammar errors (yes I’ve talked to many 99ers and about 99% of them don’t know how to spell or use proper punctuation). This brings up the question, “would you hire someone like that?” And better yet “how much do you really want this job if you won’t even go over your resume?”
Other issues include people sending out generic resumes and not targeting their resume towards the company they are applying for. This is common sense and all part of trying to present yourself in the best possible light to get a job. Some people also choose to lie on their resumes and are simply unprofessional by being informal and not being punctual.
In short, many who are currently collecting unemployment benefits and are complaining that they can’t find a job are the ones to blame.
There are simply too many 99er’s who are either abusing the system or just doing a bad job of applying for jobs.
One year ago it was understandable that it was difficult to find a job, but over the course of 99 weeks, which is just under two years, how can one explain not being able to find a job?
While some of the 99er’s may have legitimate reasons, for most, can they honestly say that after almost two years of government assistance during which they did not work that they honestly need another 13 months because they truly cannot land one of the over one million jobs out there?
‘ “You continue to bully those in stress.”
count on that! ‘ – Sebastian, 20110130 1312
– You acknowledge, then, that you’re simply a coward and a bully who preys on those in pain, and finds what little pride he has in that fact.
As I’ve said before, it’s impressive 🙂
The only one making the slightest bit sense for the 99’ers is Marc. WTG. Oh wait, thats way to go. whyle ur corectin owr speleng u relly shud be lukin fur a JOB! Or are you more concerned with gremmir n spillin
And Marc, you might want to do your own Spell Check!
In other words you’re hear to rant that you don’t like people venting their pain, and you don’t give a rat’s ass what the economic reality is as evidenced by statistics or reporting in the likes of The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Reuters, or Bloomberg.
You’re just here to reassure yourself your baseless opinions matter by attempting to bully others.
Impressive, Sebastian.
I’m not looking for a job because I’m not in need of one.
You’ve once again fallen prey to your assumptions.
As for pointing out shortcomings in the grammar of others I’ve done so only at those who have eagerly seized upon what they see as such shortcomings in the posts of others whom they have in harpy-like fashion attacked.
On my planet an argument with cites or other specific evidence presented complete with rational argument (as opposed to ad hominem, personal invective, etc) is considered precisely that – an argument – whereas a series of such ad hominems, personal invective, etc, is considered a rant.
I will note, once again, that you fail to offer either evidence for your position or an attempt at rational presentation of your argument.
Indeed, you have yet even to attempt to do so.
Would you care to at the least attempt to do so or do you prefer to continue name-calling?
I rather suspect the latter.
Prove me wrong by offering a coherent argument for your assertions, with some form of credible cites, or simply persist in attempting to harass the vulnerable who have vented here.
Cowardice and bullying are precisely that, and you know it.
This sort of thing, incidentally, is the price a society pays for allowing growing inequality – it is precisely the path down which the US is headed:
I came back after like four days, and there is still arguing going on related to this article. That is why the article was written…to encourage debate, and thus set different sides off. The point is that we are all in the same country; employed or not employed. If there was a natural disaster or a terrorist attack, we would help our neighbors. We would not stop to ask if they had a job or not because at that point, would that matter? Look at 911, Katrina and so many other examples of being humane. Why does something like this have to divide us so much? Why do people have to be grouped into something because of a name that was given? Let’s all just get over this in one way or another, and try to move along day by day. The whole world is experiencing this, and it is a big deal. As I stated before, nobody is immune to this whole situation…yes, even you, Sebastian. It does not matter how stable your position or company may currently be…things can fall apart in an instant. There is a domino effect going on whether we look at charts with numbers or not. Your words and actions (even if warranted) are not going to change what has already occurred and what is currently taking place…but they may just change our future. You should also be accountable for what you say or do, and not pass such harsh judgments to either side of the debate. If a stranger saved your life or your child’s life, and you found out they were unemployed, would you have animosity toward them at that point? I did not think so…so why treat people this way right now when you do not even know or care to know them? That kind of mentality makes our country and world’s problems so much worse. Be careful what you say or do for anything can happen, and god forbid it is the last thing for which you are known (even in a dumb article forum). Good Night and Good Week to All of You!
I know the word “socialist” is a dirty word now. Quit watching the hatemonger Glenn Beck.
Repubs of the past were FAR more left than Obama is today.
You can’t outsource millions of jobs and not have a safety net for the people until they get back on their feet. Many need time to re-train or re-locate. A majority of 99ers are older workers that companies won’t hire. I have a job and am blessed for it. I find it shameful these articles exist. I spent 10 months trying to find a new job and was on unemployment. It was no picnic
You pay unemployment insurance when you work so its there when YOU need it. Remember its taxed too. Every single penny goes right back into the economy, unlike the rich tax breaks.
Lisa, YOU yourself do NOT pay a single PENNY of Unemployment Insurance throughout the time your Employed. UNLESS you live in Washington. Boy, a lot of you folks are so misinformed! Even in Washington it only equals to a very small portion each pay period from the Employed. The rest is payable from the Employer. The tax is called FUTA! Look that one up Lisa. Maybe you will then educate yourself on who does and does not pay into this fund!
You said “Many” need time to re-train, and/or re-locate. Good one. How many years does it take? Two years is plenty enough time to get your head out of your ass don’t you think?
You said the majority of the 99ers are “Older workers”. Non-sense! If there were a poll on this subject and it was passed on to each and every person unemployed, I do think that it would be fair to say that it’s pretty much all ages that are either A. On Unemployment B. Been on Unemployed and now exhausted or C. Unemployed through fault of their own!
Just because one is of mature age does NOT qualify them to say that the vast majority of the Unemployed are of Mature Age. Thats just ridiculous.
The Mature Unemployed needs no special treatment just because they are older. They need no special name either. They are human just as the younger generation is. They move slower, think slower, act slower. That is the only difference besides their birth digits.
This is all about outsourcing. And to be honest, if I could save money by outsourcing I would to any degree. But I would not outsource to another Country. Maybe to the younger generation who can think faster, act faster and move faster.
What I would like to see happen is the Social Security age be lowered instead of raising it year after year. But that will never happen. So, I think what they want to see happen is that the new generation of humans are then taking care of their older relatives until they are of age to receive Social Security. Thus lowering the amount of their then SS pay. And then the cycle starts over again with the then new generation of humans.
Has anyone ever took a low flying plane for any reason? Try it sometime. This place looks like a huge ANT HILL. Too many people and no where to put them. Our planet is OVER CROWDED.
So, the next time you see a chic with more than two kids… Ask her why? Why would she want to have so many children is this awful world? They have no future here.
I feel sorry for “Breeders”. More so I feel sorry for the children of the Spineless, self absorbed, selfish Breeders.
Stop having children for 10 years and see how much of a difference this place starts to become. Then I wish the world of Breeders were limited and yes I say LIMITED to two children and NO MORE. Regardless of their income. TWO!!! And then in another 10 years even more of a difference that would make. And during that 20 year span, EVICT all the Illegals. And those that shouldn’t be here anyway. And I guarantee you this…. EVERYONE will have a job!
And if YOU (the person reading this) has more than two children YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!
By the way!!!!! The PRESIDENT cannot make jobs happen!!!! And he won’t. It’s up to you to do something about your life. Waiting on another handout is just plain lazy and lame! Waiting on jobs that meets your (Past) standard of living is NOT going to happen either. It’s time to wake up and smell the GENERIC COFFEE brewing in your Japanese made coffee maker. You will have to make things happen for yourself. Oh, I forgot. Most of you wouldn’t know how to live off of the land if you had to. That’s the “Spoiled American Blood” in you. Grow up and grow a set. If you haven’t figured it out already it’s not about YOU YOU YOU. Not anymore!
Part 2 of the FUTA TAX LAW
Federal Tax Rate
The federal unemployment tax is part of the federal and state program under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) that pays unemployment compensation to workers who lose their jobs. You report and pay FUTA tax separately from Social Security and Medicare taxes and withheld income tax. You pay FUTA tax only from your own funds. Employees do not pay this tax or have it withheld from their pay. Employers (Your Boss) pays for this tax.
Report FUTA taxes on Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return.
The FUTA tax rate is 6.2% of taxable wages. The taxable wage base is the first $7,000 paid in wages to each employee during a calendar year. Employers who pay the state unemployment tax, on a timely basis, will receive an offset credit of up to 5.4% regardless of the rate of tax they pay the state. Therefore, the net FUTA tax rate is generally 0.8% (6.2% – 5.4%), for a maximum FUTA tax of $56.00 per employee, per year (.008 X $7,000. = $56.00). State law determines individual state unemployment insurance tax rates.
FUTA tax is filed annually using Form 940. The total amound due can’t exceed over $500 or else IRS will assess a penalty and interest charges. If the amount due is more than $500, the business is required to submit deposit payments in advance. Most accountants will help you process this form as it is part of the payroll taxes.
Part ONE F.U.T.A. Tax (Employee’s DO NOT PAY)
Here LISA I will do it for you.
The Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), with state unemployment systems, provides for payments of unemployment compensation to workers who have lost their jobs. Most EMPLOYERS (Except in Washington State where the Employee pays a small percentage) pay both a Federal and a state unemployment tax. A list of state unemployment tax agencies, including addresses and phone numbers, is available in Publication 926, Household Employer’s Tax Guide. Only the employer pays FUTA tax; it is not deducted from the employee’s wages. For more information, refer to the Instructions for Form 940 (PDF).
Oh and for those out there that say this…. ” I paid into that fund, they owe it to me”. WRONG! You couldn’t be more wrong.
You don’t pay into it. But let’s just say you did.(this part is straight hypothetical)
You pay into it at a maximum of $56.00 per year regardless of how much you make over and above $7,000. So, you claimed you worked ten years. Wow, you paid in $560.00 in ten years of employment. (again, hypothetically speaking of course) Worked 20 years? Double that number, or 30 yrs just triple it. So in 30 years of working you never paid in more than $1,680.00. But now that we have the figures correct. YOU NEVER PAID INTO THAT FUND! Your Employer did! Once per year at the rate of $56.00 MAX! On your behalf.
So, how much does the government owe you again? In a lot of the stats you are going to draw far move in Unemployment for ONE MONTH than was paid into that insurance in your 30 years of working. (again Hypothetically speaking) SINCE YOU NEVER PAID IT IN.
So, my wicked relative who never looks for work, has been drawing 300.00 per week since September 2008. And still is currently drawing. He only worked a few odd jobs here and there resulting in about a total of 6 weeks work in over 2 years. Anyway, calculate that. 2+ years at $300.00 per week. = OVER $30,000.00 in Unemployment insurance collected this time around. Guess what, prior to that he only worked 6 years. He was on Unemployment for almost 15 months prior to that layoff. And he wasn’t laid off either. He was fired. They just didn’t fight his claim. He really shouldn’t have qualified.
So his employer paid in $56.00 per year for his FUTA tax for a little over five years. Giving him $280.00 paid in so that he can draw over 30 Grand. Such a horrible country I tell ya.! GET A JOB!
And I think since all these UNEMPLOYED cry babies are sadly misinformed that well heck they have all thought all along they were paying into the system. I say RAISE THE FUTA tax and start taxing the EMPLOYEES. Yes, that means myself too. I don’t think the employers should be taxed a FUTA tax in the first place.
Not saying anymore, I get rattled and my typos start up thick. So, gotta get ready for work ya’ll. Have a great day. Oh, I am not going anywhere either. I will be back tomorrow. I fully support this website and all it stands for.
If all the Supposedly Americans really listen to themselves and how they talk about ME ME ME ME, with their hand out they will see just how truly PATHETIC they look.
More convenient lies from the handout crowd. They have an answer to everything. They take no personal accountability or accept anything is their fault, it plays right into their “I’m a victim” theme. But remember gang, eventually the victimization game runs it course and then what? Don’t wait or play it too long, you’ll find your story is not unique when comparing it to the other street people stories.
mr golf @ ue friendless 9000 posts in 9 months. a serial poster and couch surfer.
i was laid off since may 09
Since then i have and am temped (registered with 5…FIVE..FIVE) different agencies, have been SEASONAL
AND have VOLUNTEERED with local organizations just to
be in the mix and promote myself.
ALSO..I’ve LOST..LOST..LOST..count of the all the electronic trees I’ve killed sending out resumes each
day to any and all EMPLOYMENT SITES.
As Cenk U so eloquently put it last week on MSNBC, “Did MILLIONS of AMERICANS get lazy..all at once?”
And as I articulate it so well — extending ue benefits extends ue.
Not working for 2 years and no other money. pffft!
I am a 99er and i would like everyone to know. I am a college grad. I have a great resume, and have also been on many interviews. I have great job history. I went for an interview for a state job in which I know someone who works there. there were 3 opening and 30 applicants. My 18 year old cousin with a 2 year old who has been fired from every job he has ever had was hired over me because his mother knows the commissioner. It isnt about being lazy not looking or just wanting a pay check its about who you know i am 25 i have a 2 year old and i am married i have worked my way from the bottom of every job i have had into management its not about being LAZY at all so please stop call us that we are trying to feed our families also we as a country are rapidly becoming a 3 world country but no one else is trying to help us we give all of our money to Iraq after we bomb them but lets think of the fat cats that could easily help us right here at home you don’t see bill gates handing out donations or loans to the government to help out the poor and struggling what he makes on interest alone could help an entire state run maybe we should think about that instead of honest people being called lazy
Mr. Golf is a 62 year old retired man you dummy. You are a worthless POS Sebastian.
Mr golf is a loser. has nothing better to do that post over a 1000 worthless anectdotes about his miserable life. I will continue to call out the friendless losers thru out the blogosphere. Its about time you people move on. 62 is that the new 102?
A recent club ninety whiner with over 4000 posts on ue friendless:
“Lets see. Rents due, can t pay it. Stack of bills, past due, can t pay them. Nuttin left in FS account next deposit next Monday. No words to describe how I feel..”
It would be time for this freeloader to take charge of his own life…or maybe he is incapable of that.
WHAT ABOUT RETIRED DON’T YOU GET. YOU DOLT??? The definition of a loser is someone who stalks the unemployed. You are a dingleberry on the ass of Glenn Beck Sebastion. NOTHING MORE BUT A WORTHLESS FOOL!
A lonely loser retiree that spews bs advice to the broken down. Boy how lucky are you to be the ones benefiting from that. Again over 9000 posts in less than 9 months, and doesn’t make a dime off of any of it. A little excessive I think you’d agree.
I was in contact with an individual that went by the handle of red jeep guy that used to frequent ue friendless and he said that the phoniness and out and out lies told were even too fantastic for the biggest bs artist.
You are such a COWARD Sebastian. Bashing people online make you feel like a man?? PATHETIC!
I get paid for my observations and opinions. Thats way more that you can say. Ranting and whining to make yourself more depressed and sick is a great way to live.
Sebastian, paid or not, you’re doing your fair share of posting useless comments yourself there bub.
Sebastian, whether you are paid or not doesn’t diminish the fact that you are posting your share of useless comments. Get over yourself.
Yeah but it gets a lot attention, and people ARE interested. You should know useless.
I want to thank both Mark and Sebastian (who is most likely one and the same person) for the amusing postings. I needed a good laugh or two.
Don’t have a heart attack trying to prove your short sighted observations and opinions.
Mark, er, Sebastian, I know quality and it isn’t what you write. Enough time spent with this, again, thanks for the laughs.
We are not your friends. The objective is to show you that crying and whining about your miserable lives is pointless. The govt has helped many of you for over 2 years and you’re still ingrates. Whining does not make it better, it only proves the point that that since you’ve given up on what really matters, you can now at least say you’re good at something.
An example of an ingrate:
“I’m guessing that in the next week or two we will see the bill from the CBC for an additional 14 weeks of UI. Not enough but better than nothing”
Its never enough with you people is it? But I’m here to tell you this will go nowhere, but you already know that.
Stay delusional.
This article is just more of the blowhards ranting. You say in general the 99ers are abusing the system and are basically lazy… Classy of you to kick the hardest hit by the Economic depression, you should be ashamed and you obviously don’t believe in KARMA. You quote the unemployment rate as being 9.4%…. wake up and be honest in your reporting. Anyone unemployed longer than 2 years or more aren’t counted in those meaningless #s. You also state that there are jobs out there if people want to work and in states with low unemployment #s that MY be true but in Florida, Nevada, Michigan, etc.
The problem is simple, all these corporations that are complaining wages are to much to handle are lying, pure and simple. It is their high exec wages and HR wages that dwarf regular employees that are at fault. When the system re-balances you will see realistic pay for everyone. Also corporations DO NOT WANT TO HIRE you period, they are playing games. They hire then fire, fire then hire, basically they’re idiots. Good luck!
I pray to God that there is NOT another extension. If something bad comes from this, then it would have happened sooner or later anyway. I am sick of all the extensions. It only gives the unemployed a tad bit longer to sit with their hand out waiting for that next check to arrive. It’s a sad world this place has come to. Back in the old days everyone WORKED their asses off for what they wanted. Be it some material for clothing sewn by hand, or seeds to plant the fields. Now days it’s Help Me, I can’t, What will I do now, I need assistance, Food Stamps, blah blah blah.
I would much rather see the extensions stop and everyone forced to EARN their living. The government doesn’t owe anyone anything. They didn’t bring you into this world. Your mama’s and daddy’s did!
I would just love to see ALL THE U.I. Stopped completely and every forced to fend for themselves. It’s only right. More than half the United States is Spoiled and doesn’t know how to fend for themselves.
And when you spoiled American’s are put back to work (if ever), I would also like to see all of the health insurance premiums raised, no holiday pay, no sick leave, no prenatal leave, no overtime pay, and by gosh no days off just because you don’t feel like getting out of the dang bed! SPOILED AMERICANS.
Furthermore….. If you are currently on or intend to be on Unemployment Insurance I would like to see everyone PUT TO WORK for it after you have received what would be considered NORMAL UNEMPLOYMENT. That is before all the new tiers were put into place. You know, something like Community Service. Or something there alike. It’s only right. Once you’ve drawn what would be considered the Norm, then put your behinds to work earning anything beyond the Norm. That along with DRUG TESTING!
Too many Unemployed People start claiming Pain, Depression, Weakness, Sleep Disorders, blah blah blah and begin to take sedatives, sleeping pills, Mental Disorder Pills, or whatever. And become ADDICTED to such!
Don’t believe me, go to the website for Unemployed Friends. Go read the threads till you can’t stand to read anymore. It’s all there. Addicts, and more addicts.
You might even come across a thread or two about how they can’t even get out of bed anymore. Or how they wake up pissed and spend the whole day pissed. Or how their daily routine NEVER takes them anywhere outside the house.
Go check it out, an addict either in the making or already complete!
I go there to read so that my anger towards the UNEMPLOYED with continue and subside. Sometimes I get to feeling sorry for some of them. But that don’t last long after I visit that forum and read.
And yes, Mr. Golf might be retired (EARLY) because he ran out of U.I. Benefits, but thats only because he was WEAK, OLD, and NOT EMPLOYABLE any longer! He sets such a remarkable example there. 🙂 Seriously.
For those of you that think I am Sebastian, You’ve all got another thing coming. I am ON HIS SIDE completely. But, I don’t get paid to come here. I work nights, and cannot come here besides daytime and days off. I too was one that was LET GO December 2008. My layoff was short lived because I seen to it that I GOT A JOB! I didn’t want to live off GOVERNMENT WELFARE! Try it people, it’s Easy! But first you have to get up, get out of the house, and go door to door applying. Stop relying on the Internet, resume faxing, or phone calls. GET A F’EN JOB!
To everyone who thinks these comments are useless, you are all in the WRONG THREAD to be calling our comments USELESS. Did you forget where you are? Go read the Blog again. You are all in OUR WORLD NOW. If you don’t like it (and most won’t) It’s easy to just LEAVE NOW!!!! The Lazy, Drug Addicted, Useless, Unemployable, Unemployed will always defend each other. AND SO WILL WE!!!! So, we employed are against anymore handouts, and you unemployed are for more extensions, honestly who looks like the bigger LOSER????
How many tiers do you think you deserve? 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or maybe 10? When does it END? When are you forced to fend for yourself?
Have a good day everyone. One more night of this shift and then off for two days. I can’t wait either. I am going to enjoy this ride.
Taking a break at work. Thought I would “Check in”. Not much more on this site today. Well, interesting. They must all be on the U.F. Forum. From my earlier post, the U.F. Forum is very busy. I get surprised at how many posts per user there are. They seem to have a lot to say there. I just wish they spent as much time out in the real work putting in job applications as they do comments on these boards.
Useless individuals. Just plain Useless.
I thank God everyday I have a job, and I see how others assume everyone that is unemployed is using the system. Their are always going to be some that abuse the system, but everyone cannot be assumed the same. I have friends that are out their everyday trying to find a job or doing day labor to support their family. These are well educated people who use to make anywhere from 21.00/hr to 35.00/hr. I am just saying not everyone is just sitting around doing nothing and it isn’t fair to be accused. No one truly knows what a person is going through until they have walked in that persons shoes. We need to do what we have too do so we can get this country back on track. As for the above list of cities, look into Florida their are no jobs.
Sounds to me like the people opposed to the extended unemployment benefits are bankers, stock brokers and employees of GM or AIG who got their “benefits” from Obama directly.
Maybe if the bank gave me back the amount lost in my current home value I wouldn’t need unemploymnet.
Maybe if the stock brokers and hedge fund managers didn’t exploite the market for personal gain by destorying companies and retirement funds I wouldn’t need unemployment.
Maybe if the governement and companies that are “too big to fail” didn’t move the jobs overseas so they could increase profits for their pockets I wouldn’t need unemploymnet.
Remember, if people don’t buy you can’t sell and if you don’t sell then you can’t produce.
Let me ask you… when was the last time your company hired a us citizen.
You’ll probably not have to worry about this 99er much longer. If I read one more comment about what lazy whiners we “99ers” are, I’ll probably either have a stroke or a heart attack. Either way, I’ll DIE.
Let me tell you something: I worked from the time I was 16 (back in 1957, for God’s sake!) up until 4:30 PM on February 12, 2009, when I was one of five people whom our boss had to lay off. Since then, I have been looking and looking and looking. I’ve sent out hundreds of resumes, and applied for scores of jobs online, but I’ve also burned the gasoline and the shoe rubber; I’ve marched my ass up and down streets, applied, and been interviewed. I have excellent references, and a sterling work record. And I’m willing to take ANYTHING—even a fast food job, and I’ve applied for many of those. I don’t think that the fact that I’m black has anything to do with my not having been hired, but I definitely do think that my age does (i’m very much a senior citizen).
If you did the math, you know from what I said above that I worked for over 52 years. And I paid unemployment insurance premiums all that time, but never COLLECTED unemployment benefits until the last two years. So, please explain how in the HELL I’m a “freeloader,” and collecting “welfare.” I repeat: I’m sure I paid premiums for my unemployment insurance for more years than some of the idiots who’ve posted crap (I’m sizzling right now, and TRYING to be civil!) on this site have been alive. And they have the GALL to say that I’m collecting “welfare”?
Did I ever — even ONE time — ever imply that unemployed people who collected benefits on premiums that maybe I’d helped pay for were lazy bums, freeloaders?
Some of the people — employed and unemployed — who have replied to the assininities here have been far more restrained than I feel right now. I am about to pop a cork! How DARE this fools call me a “freeloader”? How DARE they?
It’s MY fault? Why didn’t I sock away some money for my old age? Actually, I DID—and my retirement fund was well in the six figures, damned close to seven figures. I won’t go into it at all, but let’s just say that I “lost” it all — or, almost all of it. And the guys who “stole” my money have been bailed out by the government (and paid themselves huge bonuses for robbing us), but my wanting to receive a few more $800 checks every two weeks will plunge the government into bankruptcy. Sheesh!
Thank you “Mark,” for your succinct, clear, unemotional response. You said everything I wanted to say, but couldn’t keep my emotions out of it. Thank you.
And to HELL with every-single-one of the pendejos who had the NERVE, the unmitigated GALL to pass judgment on us!
HUGE MISTAKE! It was absolutely NOT “Mark” whose postings I meant to praise above! It was “American1”.
Omigawd! Maybe THAT’S why I haven’t been hired! If I’m so damned stupid that I’d make THAT mistake, I ain’t got no bizness trying to work for somebody! I’d better get my head screwed on first!
I’ve read that stupid womens story ue friendless. She is attempting to freeload and cyber panhandle among the other losers. And they fall for it — pathetic. If you notice her drama gets “worse” each day. And since these people are losers and friendless they hang on every word and make it appointment reading.
Mark, I was at work. Other people probably don’t want to read your hateful and ignorant rants.
Sebastian, er Mark II, your postings are far more dramatic than anyone else’s, with the exception of your other self.
Keep it up, I missed shows on Comedy Central last night, the jokes here are appreciated. People can always can use comedy relief.
Watch that caffeine intake boys. Oh yeah, that less than $16 an hour job, in 12 hour shifts is nothing to brag about. Neither is your writing.
Mark and Sebastian, you are both sick and twisted. Enough said. Get a life, it’s you two that are the losers. Whatever you are trying (unsuccessfully at that) to prove, you are both failing miserably and look like incredible jerks.
Wait, maybe you simply ARE incredible jerks! Too good, you two are incredible assholes.
Its all about getting the message out there that whining for the govt to take care of you is shameless. It will continue to until you people decide to do whats right and do things for yourself like responsible people do everyday. Calling out freeloaders and whiners is the best thing that can come out of this. You have no chance against the forces that oppose you. We have resources and time on our side. Tick Tock Tick Tock.
Your time is running out.
You do realize that one has to be offered a job to be able to accept it don’t you? What you and Mark are doing is shameless.
Why aren’t you going after welfare recipients? 99ers and the recently unemployed are that because their company failed or jobs were outsourced. Your education is lacking due to your blindness of hatred.
I just don’t get it,People are still loseing their homes,states are in deep thoble,pleople are still loseing their jobs,and the ones that find a job are low paying.But the stock market is going up.Lets face it its not getting better and they know it.The goverment put us in this shape by not putting america and the people first.They passed law that help the big companies and banks.Let wall street run wild.things must change or we will never get out of this mess.If it don’t change and put america and the people first,the people who have jobs today will become 99ers.Think about it.Look at Egypt.
I like our little list of whiners that get posted here. I have contacted some outlets with this and guess what they are aware of the losers that reside on that site. They don’t give it any credibility, but were interested in how much time is spent playing on the net and why they weren’t using this time to improve their job searching skills…because obviously what they’re currently doing isn’t working. But again I must say there isn’t much interest or compassion for these dopes.
Welfare receipients don’t have their own comment boards. But if they did I would have no problems slamming them. They don’t seem to whine on the internet unlike you people. Hopefully you will get this message and disappear. But if not I’ll be here to help anyway I can in keeping you from that next handout.
You don’t answer questions very well do you Sebastian. Why are you not going after welfare recipients?
People who have lost their jobs, homes, financial security don’t give a rat’s ass what you and Mark write. You’re wasting your time and energy.
You appear to be kids without responsibility for anyone other than yourself. Your lack of compassion is telling and lack of life skills is glaringly obvious.
No matter what you write back to me, you won’t win. Don’t waste effort to convince anyone that is unemployed that they are in the wrong. It is YOU and your kind that is the loser. If you honestly think that nothing out of your control will happen to you in your lifetime, then it is you that is delusional.
People like you come off as arrogant assholes. Grow up and grow a set.