The Current Job Situation In America
A funny thing has been happening in the United States. President Barack Obama and Congress have worked for the last two years to get as many jobs available to Americans as they can.
For nearly a year, every month has seen a notable growth in job creation. However, the unemployment rate has remained stagnant.
When the rate fell from 9.6% to 9.4% last month, the reason was not that more jobs were taken, but that citizens exhausted their benefits and simply were no longer counted due to no longer searching for work.
And THAT is the problem with the unemployment situation in the United States.
The jobs are there. Over one million jobs have been added in the last year in various industries in the United States. Jobs have been created from high-level corporate jobs to working for minimum wage and in factories. Regardless of education level, there is a job out there that would accept you if you’re smart about it.
For every American that has taken advantage of the opportunities created by President Obama and Congress, there are a few who have just sat at home and waited on the unemployment benefit checks to come in the mail.
The System Is Fine
The system should not be knocked, as it is as good as it can be. It’s unreasonable to demand that every single person on unemployment be thoroughly inspected often enough and closely enough to make sure they are not abusing the system. The unfortunate fact is that while some are truly thankful for the assistance from the government and are using it as an opportunity to get back in the workforce, there are those who realized they could just sit at home, reduce their standard of living a little bit, and just collect a check.
The truth of the matter is that jobs are out there and they are abundant. At the end of 2010, areas like the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington DC, Baltimore, San Jose, Cleveland, Boston, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Charlotte, Atlanta, and other big cities had around 100 job listings for every 1,000 people in the area. San Jose topped the list with 162 job openings for every 1,000 people. Other cities like New York, Chicago, and Pittsburgh had just under 50 job openings for every 1,000 people. (See job map.)
How can people possibly claim that there simply are no jobs for them when over one million jobs were created in the last year on top of the job openings that were already there? Especially the 99ers who have already collected 99 weeks of unemployment and recently held a candlelight vigil because they didn’t get an additional 13 months. Boohoo! Fix up your resumes, improve your skillset, read some books, learn proper punctuation and get a job like everyone else.
If the 99ers want to continue collecting money for over 99 weeks, guess what? It’s no longer called unemployment. It’s called welfare.
How Hard Are 99ers Really Trying?
The truth of the matter is while it is reasonable that in smaller cities and less populated areas, jobs are scarce and the need for unemployment benefits are really there. But for most of the men and women collecting unemployment benefits, there’s a good chance they’re abusing the system.
A reasonable amount of unemployment time is understandable but where do these brash 99ers get off feeling a sense of entitlement that everyone should pool their tax dollars and just hand them to a 99er while they sit at home feeling sorry for themselves while making little effort to improve their own situation.
Now, maybe someone who used to make $200,000 a year can’t find a job paying quite as much, but at a time of true desperation, what’s stopping that person from working at the local mall or restaurant?
Then there are those who are simply going about things wrong.
Mistakes The Unemployed Make
One common mistake is sending the wrong message with a poorly constructed resume. Many 99er’s are aiming for jobs and turning in resumes with spelling and grammar errors (yes I’ve talked to many 99ers and about 99% of them don’t know how to spell or use proper punctuation). This brings up the question, “would you hire someone like that?” And better yet “how much do you really want this job if you won’t even go over your resume?”
Other issues include people sending out generic resumes and not targeting their resume towards the company they are applying for. This is common sense and all part of trying to present yourself in the best possible light to get a job. Some people also choose to lie on their resumes and are simply unprofessional by being informal and not being punctual.
In short, many who are currently collecting unemployment benefits and are complaining that they can’t find a job are the ones to blame.
There are simply too many 99er’s who are either abusing the system or just doing a bad job of applying for jobs.
One year ago it was understandable that it was difficult to find a job, but over the course of 99 weeks, which is just under two years, how can one explain not being able to find a job?
While some of the 99er’s may have legitimate reasons, for most, can they honestly say that after almost two years of government assistance during which they did not work that they honestly need another 13 months because they truly cannot land one of the over one million jobs out there?
Little personal time its you a dog and a peanutbutter jar.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO
Daddy? that’s my wife that pays the rent…ah huh!
your a freak butchie, go have fun, your job is done
did she say she Thot about me?, O am having an orgasm…NOT
Not for long tho, huh?
You better go find another wife, quick, before EB runs out.
Do dogs pay taxes? O boy my butt hurts.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
You guys are a scream, thanks for the laughs. We always did have fun together!!!!
Anyway, I got a plane to catch in the morning…I really need to go pack.
I’ll catch ya when I get back, I’m sure you’ll still be here! LOL
Thanks mobil I try. YOU LOSE!
bye bye kitten, missing those hot nights while whiner was workin so hard to get ya….oh Princess dats right
I said dog first get you own jokes causeican. Because you really can’t do sh**.
It was babydoll, actually
I miss it too! LOL
Is this the multiple personal channel?
butchie I didn’t loose anything, it is just a creepy little website right? what did it matter to you? Oh it did, didn’t it. Well now you have this to share you naughty bits on
Butchie don’t be a little Hitler now
Or the personalities of just one?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO
babydoll my princess what has the world come to?
Hey to stay on topic. Is there really an unemployment problem?LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
you know what we need is jimmyboy and his veggie act , with tiers as the commentator
we had more fun taxpayer you know it, see whiner, she likes me…told ya, butchie didn’t care either …..
Butchie hates me. Whiner, well I dunno, haven’t talked to it in awhile.
But yeah I luvs you!!!! 🙂 🙂
You guys keep saying goodnight but yet you don’t go?? HUM I think you would miss me! Not like you have anyone to snuggle with. At least not with two legs. Unless you raise chickens.
Actually, it was me that said goodnight…and yeah big daddy still here so I gotta stay. He gives me strict rules to follow and I must not leave a room until he does first.
yes we can’t let go…and now here we are again,
I love Butchie always did he knows..he knows how to handle a woman.
ewww no he has a little lady friend apparently?
doubtful mobs, it’s all a ploy.
LOL @ causeican
butchie master of all well dam…under your thumb..not bad
I mean my princess, I know..
Hey who gives a shit about unemployed people when we can tell jokes.LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. At least jokes have a sense of humor. Unemployed BAH HUMBUG!
@mobs…I knew you’d get it!
Just don’t leave bruises. How to handle a women 101.
Just don’t leave 102.
Oh Butch, you’re not all that bad, I kind of like you! LOL
just love tickleing their liver from the inside …LMAO
OMG!!! A very odd sensation, to say the least!!!
The damn ceiling fan is broke in my run down trailer trash of a home also….Anyone know a good Electrician ( not politician LOL LOL )
YOU had to many spinners on it …. lol
LOL @ sportsjunkie
Thanks taxpayer I feel right at home. Maybe I will amuse you from time to time. It pays well and I think you need a good laugh. Tell me a joke.
Should it be a blonde joke?
Your choice. I have no say in the matter.
Yes, Big Daddy, I think we should!!! 🙂
Wait did you forget to change your name MOBS/causeican/taxpayer/sonja???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Butch, Mobs/causeican/taxpayer are THREE different people, trust me, I know.
LMAO , LOVE IT , sportsjunkie !!!!!!!!!!!!!
what we need here is a lil jazz from the jeffie
Trust does not exist. O boy!!!!!!!!!!!!
My registration on that site is not because I think I have a right to, it’s to prove to the ADMINS that I can.