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March 14, 2025

99er’s Exhausting Unemployment Benefits, No One To Blame But Themselves

Job openings still seem to be there.

Job openings still seem to be there.

The Current Job Situation In America

A funny thing has been happening in the United States. President Barack Obama and Congress have worked for the last two years to get as many jobs available to Americans as they can.

For nearly a year, every month has seen a notable growth in job creation. However, the unemployment rate has remained stagnant.

When the rate fell from 9.6% to 9.4% last month, the reason was not that more jobs were taken, but that citizens exhausted their benefits and simply were no longer counted due to no longer searching for work.

And THAT is the problem with the unemployment situation in the United States.

The jobs are there. Over one million jobs have been added in the last year in various industries in the United States. Jobs have been created from high-level corporate jobs to working for minimum wage and in factories. Regardless of education level, there is a job out there that would accept you if you’re smart about it.

For every American that has taken advantage of the opportunities created by President Obama and Congress, there are a few who have just sat at home and waited on the unemployment benefit checks to come in the mail.

The System Is Fine

The system should not be knocked, as it is as good as it can be. It’s unreasonable to demand that every single person on unemployment be thoroughly inspected often enough and closely enough to make sure they are not abusing the system. The unfortunate fact is that while some are truly thankful for the assistance from the government and are using it as an opportunity to get back in the workforce, there are those who realized they could just sit at home, reduce their standard of living a little bit, and just collect a check.

The truth of the matter is that jobs are out there and they are abundant. At the end of 2010, areas like the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington DC, Baltimore, San Jose, Cleveland, Boston, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Charlotte, Atlanta, and other big cities had around 100 job listings for every 1,000 people in the area. San Jose topped the list with 162 job openings for every 1,000 people. Other cities like New York, Chicago, and Pittsburgh had just under 50 job openings for every 1,000 people. (See job map.)

How can people possibly claim that there simply are no jobs for them when over one million jobs were created in the last year on top of the job openings that were already there? Especially the 99ers who have already collected 99 weeks of unemployment and recently held a candlelight vigil because they didn’t get an additional 13 months. Boohoo! Fix up your resumes, improve your skillset, read some books, learn proper punctuation and get a job like everyone else.

If the 99ers want to continue collecting money for over 99 weeks, guess what? It’s no longer called unemployment. It’s called welfare.

How Hard Are 99ers Really Trying?

The truth of the matter is while it is reasonable that in smaller cities and less populated areas, jobs are scarce and the need for unemployment benefits are really there. But for most of the men and women collecting unemployment benefits, there’s a good chance they’re abusing the system.

A reasonable amount of unemployment time is understandable but where do these brash 99ers get off feeling a sense of entitlement that everyone should pool their tax dollars and just hand them to a 99er while they sit at home feeling sorry for themselves while making little effort to improve their own situation.

Now, maybe someone who used to make $200,000 a year can’t find a job paying quite as much, but at a time of true desperation, what’s stopping that person from working at the local mall or restaurant?

Then there are those who are simply going about things wrong.

Mistakes The Unemployed Make

One common mistake is sending the wrong message with a poorly constructed resume. Many 99er’s are aiming for jobs and turning in resumes with spelling and grammar errors (yes I’ve talked to many 99ers and about 99% of them don’t know how to spell or use proper punctuation).  This brings up the question, “would you hire someone like that?”  And better yet “how much do you really want this job if you won’t even go over your resume?

Other issues include people sending out generic resumes and not targeting their resume towards the company they are applying for. This is common sense and all part of trying to present yourself in the best possible light to get a job. Some people also choose to lie on their resumes and are simply unprofessional by being informal and not being punctual.

In short, many who are currently collecting unemployment benefits and are complaining that they can’t find a job are the ones to blame.

There are simply too many 99er’s who are either abusing the system or just doing a bad job of applying for jobs.

One year ago it was understandable that it was difficult to find a job, but over the course of 99 weeks, which is just under two years, how can one explain not being able to find a job?

While some of the 99er’s may have legitimate reasons, for most, can they honestly say that after almost two years of government assistance during which they did not work that they honestly need another 13 months because they truly cannot land one of the over one million jobs out there?

Industry Employment Trends via Wow job growth!
Chart research displays jobs exist... amazing!

50 Comments on 99er’s Exhausting Unemployment Benefits, No One To Blame But Themselves

  1. You have not answered a direct question. It isn’t that hard to do, unless there is no such company.

    What are you hiding, the truth?

  2. Not making an ass, just a point or ten! What a ride it’s been. Stick around Pink. There is more where all this comes from. As long as you stay then I am willing to play! HARDBALL!

    You have to be totally DEMENTED to think anyone on the net would tell you where they work. I can see it now, the unemployed calling our jobs, complaining and whining about the way we feel. Do you really think we are that stupid? My boss is not worried about our company being outsourced. My jobs isn’t 100% protected but it is protected from being outsourced for more than one reason. The product we make and sell cannot be outsourced due to weight and cost. PERIOD!

    I never said I wasn’t lucky enough to have this job. Damn straight I am lucky to have this job. But I worked very hard to get it. As I have stated earlier. Take some of that advice. You gotta work for what you want in this world. It isn’t always about handouts and freebies. Not on my planet.

    Not all unemployed rank as losers! There are very few that are really trying. But I will always say this…. Most don’t try hard enough.

    Oh yeah! The person I know who abuses the system. Got ratted on! hahahahahahah Nice finally! Now they have to show PROOF that they have been job hunting (they have none) for the last 12 months. They have been recieved 120 weeks. Don’t know how but obviously there was a way. Anyway, and for the times they did work and only reported the bare minimum to keep their checks coming in smoothly, they must show the CHECK STUBS for those times worked as well as bank statements and 1040 for last year. THANK GOD ABOVE, he does take care of those that cheat and lie to abuse the system.


  3. Just as I suspected all along, it’s all bull crap.

    Time’s up “Sebastian”. I’m done with you, finally.

  4. Have a good day,evening, night! Gotta get to bed, shift starts at 8pm. Though I will be back Wednesday. You can count on that. (wink) BTW pink if you were truly working (Your not) you wouldn’t be online all the dang time. Day, night, weekdays, weekends. You must really think we are that dumb! I am thinking you spend more time posting than the “Unemployed” actually do. So, your honesty speaks for itself.

    Ta Ta, Till Wednesday!

  5. We’re not looking for unneeded exposure. If you know what we do and want contract with us you’ll know where to reach us. We have to maintain some anonymity if not it would hurt the business. We are often not always popular with our views nor do we want to be.

  6. Of course your done! You can’t keep up. We won’t shut up. We are not going anywhere either. So, if you stop coming here to give us even more to laugh at some other ignorant unemployed lazy oxymoron will come around the corner to take your place. And we will be here to welcome them with open arms.




  7. I’m way smarter than you pedo pink. Giving you a hard time is all you can expect from me. I’ve been at this too long and I know how to stay ahead of the competition. If I ever decided to run you completely off of the sites it would be done…harassment is somewhere I don’t need to take this right now.

  8. unemployed friendless has taken down the latest topics crawl. They do hear us. Eventually they will lose everything and that would be great for everyone. They have served what little purpose they intended. Its only deadbeats posting on there now.

  9. The ugluck thread was killed at ue friendless. Thats where they brag and make themselves feel better that they can beat down any “troll”. Of course you can when you have a closed site to anyone but a deadbeat or a deadbeat sympathizer.

  10. You can still access it if your banned. By clicking the banner up top and going to the different sections and referring to each topic/thread individually. But eventually they will have it where nobody can access it unless they are registered. Not that I care, I could register if I wanted to, just have no need to pretend to fit in with their class. Although, I do like keeping up with some of the things going on and I find most links or referrals there. But I guess I could find them elsewhere too with a bit more searching. They just made it so convenient. Now, they are getting paranoid. I suppose the only real reason they had it available to all is so the “Media” could be attracted there. Lot of luck that got them!

  11. The latest on extending the handout: from HuffPost
    “Lee’s office said the cost of the extra benefits would not be offset — the effort will likely amount to little more than a reminder that long-term unemployment persists”

    Well deadbeats its over before it even starts. You know what time it is? Work time. Any work.

    You are out of time and out of excuses.

  12. Here is a couple interesting reads, the first one just wants MORE…. it’s not enough that he has a job already GEEZUS…. and the second one is pointing out that she is not going to accept 8.00 per hour. THIS IS WHY I DON’T WANT MORE EXTENSIONS

    by jbdaddy Today at 3:10 pm

    I became a 99er on 10/26/2010. Since then I have gained employment beginning in the first week of this year. Does anybody know that if this bill even gets p assed if i would be eligible to collect the extra tier one for the weeks since i became a 99er? I only am asking because I am working now but was still unemployed for the last two months of 2010.

    by lendmeflight2 Today at 2:30 pm

    We all feel this way. I have 6 months until I am a 99er and the only job prospects I have pay about $8 and hour. I have no idea what I going to do.

  13. Ok Mark, you are a true douchebag to not figure out these two that you are picking on now. So the first guy is working finally and that is awesoome of course. He is asking about getting the money for the weeks he was a 99er because he probably has to back pay for rent or car payment or lose those things and therefore maybe not be able to keep that new job. The second guy may not be able to pay any of his bills with $8 an hour since home payments, car, kids, phone, insurances, maybe even medical would not cover the items he had already contracted to pay when previously employed. If one already signed into payment agreements that were shopped and based on the income that was being earned at the time. If you have all of these contracts to keep paid and you lose your job, it is hard to keep them up and keep your credit score up. You lose 60% of earnings going from employed to unemployment check. It’s not easy and taking an $8 an hour job can still just equel a slower death. Cost of living is usually established after working for many years and one doesn’t see themselves losing a job while paying off things like a car. If you were someone I personaly knew, I would smack the stupid out of you so that you can learn some credical thinking skills and not just go on assumtions to feel right. You must be short on friends and that would be your fault for being a douchebag. I’m sure you earned the right to be alone with your money.

  14. This has got to be a joke right? Unless you have tread in the unemployed shoes during and throughout this Great Recession you have no right to make such hatred comments. Why don’t you hire anyone unemployed if you’re so smart? Next time you need medical attention they can hire one of us, and we’ll fix you right up. Don’t be so judgemental unless you know the situation, and how hard it is to find work. There’s a huge mix-match out there, not only in jobs, but in geography too. Now go and do something fruitful and figure how to employ us instead of critizing all the time.

  15. This has been most entertaining! Thank you Mark & Sebastian for your honesty and for standing up for what you believe in!!!

    It’s been most enlightening.

    Apparently, you’re doing something right because they are locking down their forum like Fort Knox. LMAO!

  16. No your saying Unemployment is the “way to go”? Way to go yourself. Another freeloader taking up for a freeloader. And here I thought that if you were offered a position in the last 12 months of your UI you were not supposed to turn it down regardless. Interesting facts. Thank You, I will now go see if that is true.


  17. The loser, mr. 9000 plus posts @ ue friendless will have sage commentary on the new ninety whiner bill wednesday. At this time he will give his prediction on the bill, stay tuned. He is an expert since he has been on the freeloader rollercoaster like forever.

  18. @Mark and Sebastian:

    Your time on UF is running out. tick tock; tick tock; tic tock……..

    We will miss you, and please, don’t let the door hit you in the butt on your way out! lmao!

  19. Are you going to close your little site down…if so woo hoo. I’ll continue to scrape dirt off of that site and expose you freeloaders where ever I can.

  20. You just wait until the anti-freeloader crowd pops the champaign…it might even be as soon as tomorrow when they announce they will not be offsetting your ninety whiner bill.

  21. UE friendless quote: “I also recently wrote my bucket list.” pathetic! Why don’t you share it with all the other deadbeats. I know they just can’t wait to comment and commiserate on it.

  22. @Sebastian ~ did you mean “champagne” or “campaign”. Please return to first grade for spelling lessons.

    tick tock; tick tock; tick toc; tic tock;……

    Parting is such sweet sorrow. 🙁

  23. the twitter feed sometimes doesn’t catch all the words. You did get what was intended I’m thinking. Yeah its tick tock for the ninety whiners…there will be no more handouts now or ever. Watch and see.

  24. Aww thats sweet…wanting oprah to interview the ninety whiners. but soon you’ll complain that you don’t have any clothes or money to get a haircut or one in a thousand other excuses why you just can’t do it. You deadbeats really are getting yourselves nervous waiting for that big letdown tomorrow. I’m right here kicking your asses all day long.

  25. Re: Re: Daily check in of U-F members..Home away from Home Part XVIII
    by jobless_in_Ma Today at 1:45 pm

    .Seems snow is all done. It started snowing way earlier than they predicted. I hit the hay around 1am and it had been snowing for a while already. Looks like we got about 4 inches or so..


  26. Stop blaming the unemployed – companies are not hiring. Unemployment is really 20%+

    1. Big Banks need to be found criminally liable for the current economic situation.

    2. Tax loopholes and subsidies for Big Oil and Big Banks need to end.

    3. Unemployment needs to be extended for 99ers – there are not jobs – companies are doing Pre Employment tests and dragging out hiring – they are not hiring.

    4. De-Regulate professions. Many Americans could be employed if not for what has become absurd regulation on professions (too many requirements) and quagmires of bureaucracies. Licensing should consist of criminal background checks and very simple and basic rules.

    5. Student loans – many middle class Americans and youth are shackled by absurd student loans and useless degrees. The degrees are useless because of regulation on professions creating constantly increasing or absurdly specific course requirements. Thus – student loans need to be forgiven. If Big Banks get to be forgiven and we have billions to send to Foreign tyrants – why can’t we forgive student loans for Americans?

    6. Mandate corporations to start hiring Americans and ONLY Americans.

    Stop the PreEmployment tests that are sooo absurd (Cognitive Deductive Reasoning, and other ridiculous tests) for low level, retail, customer service jobs???

    7. Mandate corporations to have 98% of their operations in the US – otherwise they don’t get the benefits of US govt subsidies, tax breaks, no more tax dollars for corps sending jobs overseas.

    8. Graduated tax on the wealthy – it worked in the 1950’s. Billionaires should pay 70%+ taxes – no one deserves that kind of money – no one! They are profiting from layoffs, mergers, fraud, middle class workers doing 3 jobs for low pay or immigrant slave class. We need a graduated tax system -only loopholes for donating to Philanthropic and Civic minded Non Profits.

    9. Break up the Monopolies. Global and Domestic monopolies are a huge reason for unemployment. They prevent a Free Market system. No entity/company should be allowed to own hundreds or thousands of products/entities. That is monopoly. They need to be broken up.

  27. I read this on another site and thought what great idea:

    “Actually make people use stamps and a special “Food Stamp Only” line at the Walmart/Target/Publix so that people who actually pay for these stamps can see what the people who take are actually buying. You want to take money ….fine. But there’s going to be some deserved scrutiny/shame that comes along with it.”

    Its time to bring back a stigma associated with people freeloading off of the system. I like it. Where I have dinner they don’t take food stamps, and depending on how many I have joining me it might max out most of you people’s ue benefit / handout. Man enjoying life with out govt assistance is the only way to go.

  28. Thank you for this site , it’s time to let it be known what some of these freeloaders are really about . They seem to think its all about their next check , not where their next job is coming from . Just like the guy i just put in here , stays up all night and sleeps till 12 / 1 pm everyday . Who in their right mine is going hire someone like this !

  29. OLE jobless needs to use one of his girlfriends car to look for a job , seeing how his soon to be ex has the car her mother paid off !!!!!!!

  30. “Actually make people use stamps and a special “Food Stamp Only” line at the Walmart/Target/Publix so that people who actually pay for these stamps can see what the people who take are actually buying. You want to take money ….fine. But there’s going to be some deserved scrutiny/shame that comes along with it.”

    Love it , wish the would require 1 hour of community service work for every 8 dollars worth of food stamps to !

  31. I totally agree about the Food Stamp only lines as well as the community services for such handouts as U.E., Food Stamps, welfare money etc…..

    I also LOVE LOVE LOVE the thread about taxes at the UF Forum. Take a peek…. Most are NOT having taxes held out and are whining about owing the IRS bigtime as well as maybe even the State. YOUR FAULT DUMMY! That’s what greed gets you! And of course they are giving advice out as such…. Don’t file til the deadline final day. Or better one… Don’t file, just file an extension, then come October you will get a six month extension to pay or some crap then it goes on to tell “You can’t get blood from a Turnip”. Anyway, they are handing out IRS advice now. Wow, what friends the UF forum are to each other. Teaching each other how to cheat. Or get away with not paying their fair share. TSK TSK. It will come back to haunt them. And while I am getting my refund I will be laughing at those who were so greedy that they didn’t have taxes taken out.

    Oh yeah! I’m loving it. Your hanging yourself then whining about it. Never ending whining.

    GET A JOB EVEN IF IT’S 8 bucks an hour. PAY TAXES like the rest of us!
    Grow a set!

  32. If these damn lazy as fools would put as much effort in looking for work as they do looking up videos on youtube they just might find a job ! Oh let’s not forget MRGOLFS septic issues and joblesses long lost wife that is his own damn fault , plus the dog farts ,drinking , and drugs , almost forgot MOBILESYSTEMS cring bout her dad not paying her bills when he’s got the money to do so . All i can say is GET A DAMN JOB PAY YOUR OWN BILL’S !!!!!!!!!

  33. After reading through the comments I realize that this website is not about finding a solution to the unemployment problem. It is clear that only the extreme right and left have a voice here. I suppose that controversy sells ad space and common sense solutions does not sell ad space. In the language that will soon be the official language of America, adios muchachos.

  34. Poor , JIMMYBOY ,as his friend TIERS calls him is whinning again ! it’s your own fault BOY !



    So I finally got my vehicle back, but what a rough emotional ride that was. I noticed no wedding rings on her fingers too….

  35. The results of a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted between Dec. 21, 2010, and Jan. 9, 2011, and released last Thursday, seem to indicate that many unemployed Americans are outrageously optimistic, if not completely in denial, about the severity of the current unemployment crisis in the U.S.

    “Despite today’s nearly double-digit unemployment rate, 4 in 10 unemployed Americans expect to get a job in the next four weeks and one in three underemployed have the same expectations with respect to obtaining a full-time job.”

    If this Gallup pole data provides us with an accurate reflection of popular opinion among the unemployed, then 40% of the 15+ million people collecting Unemployment Insurance actually believe that a job is magically being whipped up just for them. While 4 in 10, or 40%, may not seem like much at first, you must consider that for all those people to actually reach this goal then roughly 6 million jobs need to be created — by next week, or so. Of course, even if this occurred, those ‘4 in 10ers’ would be disappointed to immediately find themselves in competition with the 8+ million 99ers (who are still seeking a Tier 5 Unemployment Extension) and the 15+ million underemployed, as well as the hoards of teenagers and illegal immigrants, for these newly “created” jobs.

    The truth of the matter is that Americans have lost well over 30 million jobs in the past few years, and millions of people are already at rock bottom. A Tier 5 Unemployment Extension for the 99ers needs to be passed immediately, and Federal UI Benefits need to be provided to the long-term unemployed in ALL states before matters get any worse. We need Americans to start more small businesses, but people cannot start their own business if they can’t even afford to eat or keep a roof over their head.

    Consider this “Bottom Line” statement in the Gallup poll report:

    “It seems clear that the current unemployment situation does not result from unwillingness on many Americans’ part to take a job they don’t want. Nor are many Americans unwilling to take a job that provides them with the same or lower income. Instead, significant portions of unemployed and underemployed Americans believe they will have to take any job, even if they don’t want it, and majorities are willing to take the same pay or a pay cut in a new job. Although many of the unemployed are discouraged right now and have stopped looking for work, those who are actively looking are making the job search a job in itself. Unfortunately, their relative lack of interview opportunities may partly explain why so many have become discouraged.

  36. causeican

    Who are you calling a freak? why are you reading this forum, and spending this time slamming me? interesting how you wrote this right before a change occurred. I got a job, so why don’t you take yourself off this topic since you are so Important?
    why waste your time on a cyber id on a unemployment site, why do you care what I say? are you bored?

  37. Well you forgot the cyber dating people how come your not mentioning them from UFF? or did you miss all of that? or are you avoiding all of that? let me guess your her? causeican…

  38. shout out to the little phonies that set up this elaborate little diatribe, I guess you fooled the admins again..right? well you did something today, didn’t ya

  39. What it’s a dating site to? And yes i missed that part , and by the way i’m not a her . but we do thank you for the info,every little bit help’s! Knew you would wake up sometime today , bet your posting in the wee hours of the morning to !

  40. @99r and Proud to be a survivor

    What picture and what reflection, and who is going to break me? for what? I am not any of the people posting this negative crap against UFF members, someone is posting it about me.
    SO this is why some of you turned on me last week, ok
    I am not the person writing about you here, I wrote to you there on UFF. Not anymore though, since one of you is what? impersonating me now?
    some of what they are saying is true, you have time to accuse someone, and then define an image and then threaten? so what if you could see what I look like, what about it?
    Are you going to insult me some again? I don’t care, what I do care about is, now I see this has something to do with members on UFF now, and that is unacceptable.
    Identify yourself if you have to courage of your convictions.

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