For months, Congress debated whether or not to repeal the age-old policy of not allowing open gay and lesbian soldiers to serve in the United States military known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” (…)
At the beginning of November when the Republicans made big gains in the United States Senate and took over the house of Representatives, many assumed that Congress would go through its lame duck session without passing any legislature and simply be stuck in endless debates until Republicans take their seats in January. (…)
It took months of debating back and forth between Republicans and Democrats, as well as numerous compromises that left both sides not completely satisfied with the final result, but an extension on the Bush era tax cuts has finally been reached. (…)
After initially knocking down the agreed upon bill by President Barack Obama and Republicans in the United State Senate, the House of Representatives have come to terms on an agreement and passed the bill. (…)
For months now, the debate has raged on in Congress about whether or not to repeal the long lasting “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that bans open homosexuals from serving in the United States military. (…)
Now that President Barack Obama has finally settled the issues of extending the Bush era tax cuts for 2 years and extending the unemployment benefits for 13 months, the focus has now shifted to getting the DREAM Act passed. (…)
The Republicans in the United States Senate have made it perfectly clear that they want the tax issues in America to be addressed and taken care of as soon as possible. (…)