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March 13, 2025

Obama Comes To California, Campaigns at USC

Obama campaigns at USC
Official White House

Obama campaigns at USC
Official White House

San Francisco ( Friday, President Barack Obama continued his campaign trail leading to the November 2nd Midterm Elections. Obama spoke in front of a crowd of an astounding 37,500 people on the campus of the University of Southern California right after being the San Francisco Bay Area the day before. Obama came to the legendary school to promote his Democratic colleagues in the last days before Election Day.

Obama told the crowd, which consisted of mainly college students, “You have the chance to set the direction of this state and this country, just like you did in 2008.”

Obama went on to tell the audience that this is a prime opportunity for them to prove the rest of the nation that young people do care and will make their voices heard.

Obama then reiterated the point he has been making for points that this “election is a choice between policies that got us into this mess and the policies that will get us out of this mess- a choice between moving forward and going backward.”

The crowd gave Obama one of the most positive reactions he has seen so far this election year.

The President of the United States was joined onstage by fellow Democrats Senator Barbara Boxer and Attorney General Jerry Brown.

Obama highly praised both politicians and made a strong push for the reelection of Boxer and the election of Brown, who would take over for Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California.

After pressing hard for the last few months and touring the country with members of his cabinet, President Barack Obama is now about to see the final payoff for the work he has put in.

As the remaining days to the Midterm Elections continue to shrink, it appears that the Democrats have made a strong enough push to retain more seats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives than previously expected.

While Republicans are still projected to take away some of the Democratic seats, their hope for taking over the majority and controlling Congress for the next two years of President Obama’s first term seem to be slim now.

On November 3rd, President Obama will wake up and be in the position of potentially having to deal with a much stronger Republican presence in Congress, but if the first two years of his presidency are any indication, Obama is more than ready for the challenge.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

1 Comment on Obama Comes To California, Campaigns at USC

  1. Senator Harry Reid–LIES!

    Prior to the real estate crash illegal workers were pouring into Nevada and stealing jobs in the construction trade. Contractors are to blame for enticing all kinds of illegal labor, to bloat their profit. As a Democratic leader Senator Harry Reid should have stopped this travesty to the American working man, instead now they have an overabundance of illegal alien households feeding like leeches of the dwindling public welfare system. This lefty has allowed illegal immigrants to access unemployment benefits and like his co-conspirators across the United States has subjected Citizens and residents to combat for jobs with foreigners with no legal permission for being here.

    The Pew Hispanic Center study shows 17-percent of all construction workers are in the United States illegally. Reid says not in Nevada. “That may be some place, but it’s not here in Nevada.” But their latest 2009 numbers show Nevada is the state with the highest percentage of “unauthorized immigrants” in the labor force. Because of his complete inattention to the immigration invasion, Nevada, California and other border states have massive treasury deficits. NRSC Communications Director Brain Walsh Stated: “When you consider that Harry Reid has been splitting his time lately between his Ritz-Carlton condo in Washington and high-dollar fund raisers with trial lawyers in Canada, it’s easy to understand why he honestly may not believe that there are illegal workers in Nevada.

    In July 2010 “When you go to the unemployment office there’s many U.S. citizens who are unemployed construction workers and they don’t have jobs because right now, some of those construction companies find it easier to hire undocumented workers,” said Reporter Nathan Baca.
    If Reid is returned to office he will bring upon America another crippling –AMNESTY. By a large margin–ALL–Lib-Democrats are participating in this plot. It extends these criminal aliens the right to be hired by unscrupulous business owners. It will also bring on our children another $2.6 Trillion dollars to find, as the non-profit Heritage Foundation has calculated this amount to process the 12 to 20 plus million already illegal settled in America. The Democrats would reward the knowingly wrongdoing of these people, with a path to citizenship, that should only be appointed to respectful legal immigrants.

    Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost to US citizens-Residents in the name of corporate greed. Sen. Reid had the chance to mitigate his behavior by passing permanent E-Verify, but instead we are lucky to have a 3 year extension to the verification program; forget that he regrettably passed it on a voluntary basis. This federal system to identify illegal foreigners in the workplace would have gone a long way to replacing authorized labor. FAIR stated in 2005– “The booming Las Vegas casino sector is attracting large numbers of immigrants to the city. Despite a required police background check for new hires that bars most illegal aliens seeking casino jobs, the city, nevertheless, is attracting large numbers of illegal aliens working in hotels and other jobs not requiring advanced education or skill levels and paying low wages.

    ” The presence of a large number of illegal aliens is attested to by the spread of money transfer to foreign countries and check cashing operations and the growth of immigration consultant services. The large population of illegal aliens is straining the state’s health care and criminal justice infrastructure. Eighteen percent of Clark County residents do not have health insurance and rely on the valley’s crowded emergency room for routine care; health officials believe many are illegal aliens Today Senator Reid has a seriously flawed immigration grade, the worst unemployment amongst the states, highest bankruptcy rate and almost terminal foreclosures. He should be ejected from his public service job and replaced by Sharron Angle. Not the great Candidate, but she will be honed to the TEA PARTIES philosophy to cut federal taxes, reduce the size of government and begin by any means possible the repatriation of illegal aliens. TEA PARTY lawmakers will not genuflect to Republican elites and certainly not the left side of the aisle. There will not be any excuses not following citizens/legal residents interests; cutting short the encumbrances of the special interest lobby.

    Any information on illegal immigration has been suppressed by the Liberal national media. You can however GOOGLE keywords in my commentary to locate the truth. Information such as illegal alien costs; anchor baby costs; Illegal aliens and Social Security; add Totalization agreement with Mexico; the 2006 Secure fence Act (completely trashed.) The facts are in the articles about health care, education even prison services. The costs to support the illegal occupation of this country will stun your brain. This administration has made the invasion even worse, by directing ICE to release non hardcore criminal aliens. But then again they are all criminals, by intentionally ignoring our laws. Lefty Senator Barbara Boxer and a whole host of these insipid politicians, Governors, Mayors must erased from the Washington arena on November 2nd, to alleviate the growing pile of economic ruin.

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