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March 14, 2025

99er’s Exhausting Unemployment Benefits, No One To Blame But Themselves

Job openings still seem to be there.

Job openings still seem to be there.

The Current Job Situation In America

A funny thing has been happening in the United States. President Barack Obama and Congress have worked for the last two years to get as many jobs available to Americans as they can.

For nearly a year, every month has seen a notable growth in job creation. However, the unemployment rate has remained stagnant.

When the rate fell from 9.6% to 9.4% last month, the reason was not that more jobs were taken, but that citizens exhausted their benefits and simply were no longer counted due to no longer searching for work.

And THAT is the problem with the unemployment situation in the United States.

The jobs are there. Over one million jobs have been added in the last year in various industries in the United States. Jobs have been created from high-level corporate jobs to working for minimum wage and in factories. Regardless of education level, there is a job out there that would accept you if you’re smart about it.

For every American that has taken advantage of the opportunities created by President Obama and Congress, there are a few who have just sat at home and waited on the unemployment benefit checks to come in the mail.

The System Is Fine

The system should not be knocked, as it is as good as it can be. It’s unreasonable to demand that every single person on unemployment be thoroughly inspected often enough and closely enough to make sure they are not abusing the system. The unfortunate fact is that while some are truly thankful for the assistance from the government and are using it as an opportunity to get back in the workforce, there are those who realized they could just sit at home, reduce their standard of living a little bit, and just collect a check.

The truth of the matter is that jobs are out there and they are abundant. At the end of 2010, areas like the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington DC, Baltimore, San Jose, Cleveland, Boston, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Charlotte, Atlanta, and other big cities had around 100 job listings for every 1,000 people in the area. San Jose topped the list with 162 job openings for every 1,000 people. Other cities like New York, Chicago, and Pittsburgh had just under 50 job openings for every 1,000 people. (See job map.)

How can people possibly claim that there simply are no jobs for them when over one million jobs were created in the last year on top of the job openings that were already there? Especially the 99ers who have already collected 99 weeks of unemployment and recently held a candlelight vigil because they didn’t get an additional 13 months. Boohoo! Fix up your resumes, improve your skillset, read some books, learn proper punctuation and get a job like everyone else.

If the 99ers want to continue collecting money for over 99 weeks, guess what? It’s no longer called unemployment. It’s called welfare.

How Hard Are 99ers Really Trying?

The truth of the matter is while it is reasonable that in smaller cities and less populated areas, jobs are scarce and the need for unemployment benefits are really there. But for most of the men and women collecting unemployment benefits, there’s a good chance they’re abusing the system.

A reasonable amount of unemployment time is understandable but where do these brash 99ers get off feeling a sense of entitlement that everyone should pool their tax dollars and just hand them to a 99er while they sit at home feeling sorry for themselves while making little effort to improve their own situation.

Now, maybe someone who used to make $200,000 a year can’t find a job paying quite as much, but at a time of true desperation, what’s stopping that person from working at the local mall or restaurant?

Then there are those who are simply going about things wrong.

Mistakes The Unemployed Make

One common mistake is sending the wrong message with a poorly constructed resume. Many 99er’s are aiming for jobs and turning in resumes with spelling and grammar errors (yes I’ve talked to many 99ers and about 99% of them don’t know how to spell or use proper punctuation).  This brings up the question, “would you hire someone like that?”  And better yet “how much do you really want this job if you won’t even go over your resume?

Other issues include people sending out generic resumes and not targeting their resume towards the company they are applying for. This is common sense and all part of trying to present yourself in the best possible light to get a job. Some people also choose to lie on their resumes and are simply unprofessional by being informal and not being punctual.

In short, many who are currently collecting unemployment benefits and are complaining that they can’t find a job are the ones to blame.

There are simply too many 99er’s who are either abusing the system or just doing a bad job of applying for jobs.

One year ago it was understandable that it was difficult to find a job, but over the course of 99 weeks, which is just under two years, how can one explain not being able to find a job?

While some of the 99er’s may have legitimate reasons, for most, can they honestly say that after almost two years of government assistance during which they did not work that they honestly need another 13 months because they truly cannot land one of the over one million jobs out there?

Industry Employment Trends via Wow job growth!
Chart research displays jobs exist... amazing!

50 Comments on 99er’s Exhausting Unemployment Benefits, No One To Blame But Themselves

  1. First of all, thank you Ped Pink, love is what people need for eachother. For you Mark, congradulations, you got lucky. Good thing you have that car to help. I’ve been hitting the pavement on foot most of the time and five days a week. No manufacturing downtown to check out but I hit everything else up. I’ve even done a couple of under the table jobs to help friends reroof their house with metal sheets on a three story house. I know what Mark needs is a metal pined for his luck on getting work or maybe he hasn’t been hugged yet. I also live on my own with no family for at least three states and they are barely holding on, so yeah, it’s all on me. Can’t help it if my job market is terrible here. Every job fair here has more then ten persons per position all looking their sharpest with the neatest resumes. I also have school in my day and therefore no quiet an open schedule but I can’t quit school. So still Mark, why do you keep popping your head up here? Do you wish you didn’t find that job so fast and have to take the pathes that we did? Just feel greatful, hit up a porn site, play Xbox or something and enjoy your life. For us still in the struggle, we only need positivity. You should hope and cheer that we find our way and not have to hear the sinical sarcasim from you. It you are not going rally behind us then just get out of the way and not come back. This isn’t the place for you. None of us bother you. We are using our own previous tax dollars for the unemployment insurance and therefore earned it. It is your fault you didn’t go get your checks at least started since you also have lost money from all you previous jobs to pay for those emergany funds. Maybe you should tell your boss to add that money back into your check because bad s*** will never happen to you and therefore you will never need UI. May want to ask all of your previous bosses for your money owed since you paid out all ready. Again it isn’t any more government funds then I have already paid for from my past work history into those government funds. This money didn’t come from you so don’t opinionate where you don’t need your nose to be.

  2. LOL I’m not old! Going by Mark’s (and your) actual age of 25, most of us are older and wiser. Experiences always count, wait until you get some. So, let’s say you are younger than 25, and it’s probably true that you are being a Soldier of Fortune that you are, decades ahead of you is a good thing.

    You’re welcome Douglas 🙂

  3. A non-commissioned soldier willing to serve any state or person who will hire him; a mercenary; Hence, a person willing to work for or ally himself with any person or institution who will take him on

    mercenary: a person hired to fight for another country than their own

  4. I guess you dummies forgot where you are. We are not going anywhere. This is OUR Blog. It’s purposely here for you. So we can keep you coming back. I love seeing you come here and TRY to defend your reasons for NOT WORKING. But it shows lack thereof. Lack of intention. Lack of Reason. And you folks are the reason this blog keeps going and going. So for that I thank you.

    Furthermore none of you have EVER in your lifetime paid into unemployment. How many times must that be repeated? You have not earned the right to keep getting handouts from the government. Working is an option. Unemployment is a handout.

    But I believe Employees SHOULD pay into unemployment. I don’t believe that the employers should be paying into any FUTA fund in case something happens. Nothing is guaranteed. Not your job, and not mine. And neither is your repeated handouts. I hope they make everyone on unemployment or who think they are entitled to it WORK for it! But one can only wish.

    Speak up. Speak more. I got more where this comes from. The longer your here, the longer I am here. Remember this blog was meant for YOU!

  5. But hey, on the up and up. I applaud your fight for more money. I really do. You get two thumbs up from me. Way to go. Oh by the way, how far did that get you?

    If you fought as hard for a job, you might see the tables turn for the better.

  6. Yes, my taxes are matched by said employer for UI. Employer matches so they are not to abuse the ability to just fire and hire left and right. You don’t have a life since you happen to keep posting on the one stream. I’m willing to bet that you were starting and refreshing in a wait to attack like a primative animal. I am 34, not old and not young. I know when I think older than someone to not answer anything else from you. Ped Pink, we appreciate support and thanks for human understanding. I won’t be long that a relative of their’s is going to need a place to crash and he will think that he should have listened to me. We the people should help we the people and not allow those rich that control everything to manopolise while we fight. That’s their gameplan so they are over looked. It only works because of people like Mark/Sabastian. Btw, you don’t deserve such a nice German name such as my cousin in Berlin. You should be named heartless douchebag and get robbed by a 99er who is going to pawn your s**** to feed his family. Keep rooting up hate and hate will find you. You haven’t seen anything yet. More people like you will have us in a riot in this country and the determaned survivers will take your s*** and you won’t be able to do anything about it. Better stay in a gated community.

  7. Are you seriously saying Douglas that You actually pay into the system? You are about stupid. I’ve posted all the relevant information here multiple times PROVING beyond a shadow of a doubt that you DO NOT pay into the F.U.T.A. tax fund at anytime for any reason EVER! Unless you live in Washington State trust when I say YOU NEVER PAY INTO THAT FUND TAX! And your employer only pays maximum at $56.00 per year per employee.

    Federal Tax Rate

    The federal unemployment tax is part of the federal and state program under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) that pays unemployment compensation to workers who lose their jobs. You report and pay FUTA tax separately from Social Security and Medicare taxes and withheld income tax. You pay FUTA tax only from your own funds. Employees do not pay this tax or have it withheld from their pay. Employers (Your Boss) pays for this tax.

    Report FUTA taxes on Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return.
    The FUTA tax rate is 6.2% of taxable wages. The taxable wage base is the first $7,000 paid in wages to each employee during a calendar year. Employers who pay the state unemployment tax, on a timely basis, will receive an offset credit of up to 5.4% regardless of the rate of tax they pay the state. Therefore, the net FUTA tax rate is generally 0.8% (6.2% – 5.4%), for a maximum FUTA tax of $56.00 per employee, per year (.008 X $7,000. = $56.00). State law determines individual state unemployment insurance tax rates.

  8. FUTA tax is filed annually using Form 940. The total amound due can’t exceed over $500 or else IRS will assess a penalty and interest charges. If the amount due is more than $500, the business is required to submit deposit payments in advance. Most accountants will help you process this form as it is part of the payroll taxes.

  9. Gee, this is why I would NEVER want to be friends with someone receiving unemployment and I forbid my nephew from playing with kids who’s family are not employed. I also teach him it’s WRONG WRONG WRONG to be beggers. And that is exactly what you are. Beggers turning into violent beggers!

    Using them motto if you can’t get it legally then take what is NOT yours by means of violence. I hope this blog gets more attention. You are the reason it is here

  10. And you know what? Just try some of that violence out. See how far that gets you. When and if it ever begins I am here waiting. I would reconsider that if I were you. You make all the Unemployed look real real bad with those fighting words. Shame on you.

  11. By the way you ignoranus your Taxes ARE NOT MATCHED FOR FUTA. Now who is the stupid one here? Get off your couch and go back to school We learned that in grade school.

  12. You said Employers match so said companies do not abuse the system by hiring and firing. What planet are you living on? Not this one. They match NOTHING, and you pay into NOTHING concerning FUTA. And even if you did, just how much did you think was rightfully YOURS? Your employer pays 56.00 per year, multiply that by oh lets say 30 years same company maybe different companies with no off time in between. So do the math……… waiting……..waiting…….waiting……ummmm that’s a bit hard since you didn’t know who paid it in the first place. Thats okay. I’ll do it for you…….$1,680.00. And I doubt it to be that high since it’s not been around for 30 years at that rate. Anyway, point being most Unemployed recipients make that or more off one month of Unemployment. So if that is all that was paid into on FUTA in your name per your employer it’s a no wonder they don’t want to pay out more than 99 weeks. Hell, I don’t think they should have made it quite that long. Again, you said you paid into it. PROVE IT ASSWIPE, Go back to school!

  13. I NEVER do the name calling but you bring it on, I can certainly keep up. Those that are offended by language in blogs (And so am I) I do apologize. But those who want to dish it out, can expect nothing less in return

  14. Pad Pink, I wish there was a ‘like’ button, as in Facebook posts. You have a job and this douchebag has a job. You are willing to toss 99ers $5 bucks in the bucket to help with knowledge and this guy would rather wipe his ass with $5 bucks. Pad Pink, you are what America is based on.

  15. Oh really? I’ve passed on some very good advice. The difference between me and Pink is that she is for extensions and I am against them. So my advice isn’t quality, and hers of course is.

    Anyway, I will always seem like the bad person because I am against the handouts. But, the handouts have to stop eventually and if people are solely dependent on them then when are they going to ever become self reliant again? Never, if the government keeps handing it to them over and over.

    So forgive me if I sound a bit harsh. But they have all got more than what is fair but keep holding their hand out.

    Just read an article today where the female said she started her UI and was not determined to find work. Yeah she said she looked every now and again but was NOT looking hard. She said her little blanket of security kept her not looking. Till one day she got a nice little CUT OFF letter in the mail and the UI STOPPED. She was floored. And now one month later, no checks coming in she has no idea what she will do next. She said if given the chance to draw again she would make serious changes in her life and make it a routine to look EVERY DAY rather than when and if she felt like it.

    All too common in the Unemployed world. It’s stories like hers that PISS US OFF! And make you unemployed look really really bad!

    Spent a few moments tonight reading on UF Forum. Found some real interesting things being said under a thread about “how long do you sleep everyday/night”. Something of that nature anyway. Interesting thread if I must say so myself. Most said they sleep all night, half the day and rely on sleeping pills to get them through because of the anxiety of not working. Seriously? Come on. If your laid up in bed all the dang time how could you consider yourself LOOKING FOR WORK? And that is another thing, they said they get up (whenever they feel like it) and their first stop is the UF forum to read new threads and catch up. Now that my Unemployed NON FRIEND is why you all are frowned upon!

    Interesting though, if I were for extensions (WHICH I AM NOT) then my advice would be accepted and appreciated but because I am not for the extensions then I am called names and belittled. Very interesting. Thanks though. Cause I really don’t care!

  16. Mark, I am in school douchebag! I’m doing fifteen hours and working for a degree in entrepreneurship. When my business gets off the ground, I’ll make sure your sister has a job in my office and I’ll count you in to with tools such as a mop, broom, and plummer snake! I’ll make sure you keep the same pay you have and I’ll cover your healthcare. You will at that point bow down to me and apprieciate your life and stop being a douchebag. It’s not a blood line that America needs and maybe you should be removed from the assimilation as you are in the way. Plenty of room in hell for fucks like you, whauhahahah!!! Sure you want a bunch of me loose on your streets? Crazy things have already happened due to desperation. Someone waxed your whole family, couple of kids the wife and themselves. Was that person LAZY??? Anyone has the natural ability to solve a puzzle, the solution is not out there. Get that through your thick skull. An annoying relative is still going to move in with you in a couple of months to a couple of years. Dare you to kick them out after they have been there six months. You will face it ass. Enjoy your single life and wonder why. I had a great Super Bowl with friends, food, beers, and love. You hung out here! You are a penial douchebag so much that I can almost picture you. Now I want this economy to collapse just enough to hit you in the face from here, in just a few months. A lesson will be taught to your snooty ass. Maybe your great aunte from your hippy side, she is about to be homeless. Do you love your blood? Oh and your cousin Drew is in bad shape now too. They will find you;-}

  17. @ Mark: “By the way Douglas, It’s PED PINK. You cannot even get it right.” Wow, defending my name? He had a typo, lay off, the other times he had it right.

    On the other hand, Sebastian continually called me pedo pink even after I pointed out that he had it wrong. Big difference. Go after that intentional name mis-spelling jerk.

    The other big difference between you and me Mark, is that I am not an asshole.

    People do not need nor want your advice, they already live the nightmare of the loss of their job, income, homes, etc. Unsolicited advice is, for the most part, coming from the person who feels superior to others and therefore, knows it all. You do not know it all Mark. I did not know one actual person on unemployment milking the system. People already know what little funds they have go to necessities first. Most people have others to support as well as themselves. It is none of your business and certainly none of your business to judge and hold down the gavel when a story you read has ‘the woman’ using the system. For all you know, it was someone like minded like you, who wrote it. If there is a tiny percentage of abusers, and there is a good chance there is as in all human circumstances, they are the ones who deserve everyone’s wrath. Not the ones commenting on this stupid story’s thread who are hard working, extremely concerned and upset about what has happened to them and their lives due to no fault of their own.

    Let me explain this to you in an easy way.

    One cannot simply ‘get a job’. One has to qualify and through the hiring manager’s eyes, be qualified enough to be called back for an interview. Sometimes, more than one interview. Where I presently live, jobs that I had done in an industry now require degrees and a bi-lingual ability that I do not have, although when I did the job it wasn’t necessary. Even Walmart, McDonald’s, Burger King all require being bi-lingual and certainly if one wants to learn that language they require, it takes time to learn it. No one can walk into an establishment, point to a job opening and say “Great! I’ll take that one!” Most applications sent in aren’t even answered with a return email that they got the damn thing. Never snail mail. Some are answered instantly NO and some linger around for weeks without any response then maybe a rejection comes back to you.

    Relocation, oh yes, relocation. Most employers want you to live where you are applying. Ok, great! To purchase or rent a place to live in want you to have a job so they know you will pay what is due each month. Oh…

    I am sure you will come up with some reason or two that disagrees with my post, go ahead and show your ignorance and immaturity.

    As far as not liking where your tax dollars go, there is a long list where I don’t want MINE to go either. The Pentagon has wasted tax dollars for decades.

    The bottom line is, people cannot get jobs as easily as they once could. Finger point all you want Mark, the job market has changed from even five years ago. All the applying, wishing, hoping, additional education, and a great resume, does not always get that foot in the door. Sometimes just knowing someone can help, if you don’t have that network, you’re screwed again. No one I know wants to live on the street yet more and more people will be doing just that.

    There are no easy answers for this situation, and it is not only in this country it is happening. Grow some compassion within yourself Mark. If you truly are 41, there is a long life ahead of you and anything can happen. No one comes out unscathed. Stay healthy, don’t get into a car accident, live in a bubble perhaps.

    Whoever taught you hate did one hellava good job. If you were the uncle to my child, I wouldn’t let you near him.

  18. Such as what loser? Maybe a couple of liquor stores robbed? A purse snatching? Wow a real crime wave. You see freeloader when you’re standing in the off ramp with a sign its highly doubtful that you are going to start jacking people. Don’t attempt any of that in my neighborhood, you would wish that being unemployed and hungry were your only problems. Waiting on the govt to take care of you will always turn out bad. Its already affecting your attitude obviously. Its like a substance addiction — you won’t be able to get off of it without help. Cutting the freeloaders off is that help.

  19. Pedo pink…losing your belongings is not our problem and we don’t want to hear about it. And there is way too many milking of the ue system…you’re not in a position to admit it because would counter your sympathy that you/they think they are all fine former hardworking great people. I see state handout cards being used all the time to buy liquor, cigarettes, lottery tickets all of the type things the system doesn’t want these handouts to be used on. The casino atms now no longer accept these state handout cards…know why? Because too many were blowing the handouts gambling. There is a lot of abuse — I don’t care if you accept it or not. Its my job to expose it.

  20. Sebastian: run for office and expose people the right way. Not on this thread. Your words, if you want to call them that, are wasted. Your efforts are wasted. Do you honestly think that those who are abusing the system 1. care and 2. would post HERE?


  21. Attack of the Unemployed! I love it. You infectious scabs all stick together. But I love it even more when you bring your sob stories here and try to beat up on people with your ignorance and blame. GET A JOB!

    But by all means keep coming back, we want you too. This is why this blog was made FOR YOU! 🙂

  22. Sure they post here and everywhere, but they aren’t going to tell you that they’re milking the system. Thats why you have me. I get off on exposing freeloaders. And since I have the staff and resources to blitz state offices with abuse stories and do follow up I certainly do make a difference. The good folks in Fl are now considering lessening the amount of weeks and lowering or keeping the handout amount where it currently is. Its time to be responsible people and I don’t mind having that on me. You will get this one way or the other. I don’t care how — it will happen though. I’m not done with you people by any stretch.

  23. “Age discrimination too.” I believe that is excuse / myth no. 2 or 3 out of the freeloader handbook. Its convenient but doesn’t sell or pay well does it?

  24. More people read what have to say than even take 2 glances at your comments. You had better keep it one sentence because most overlook freeloader comments anyway. Unless you’re a FREELOADER.

  25. “More people read what have to say than even take 2 glances at your comments. You had better keep it one sentence because most overlook freeloader comments anyway. Unless you’re a FREELOADER.”

    “More people read what have to say than even take 2 glances at your comments.”

    Then make sure your sentences makes sense.

  26. You understood it, and besides I research and comment on dozens of sites each day…sentence structure isn’t held against me. Its what I do with these comments and you people that gets me paid.

  27. I can’t wait for all of the little freeloading hearts to be broken as this latest handout bill from congress just sits in committee for weeks and months. It will be a slow bleed, but definitely worth my time as I get to see the despair deepen each passing day…because the pattern with the handout crowd is not try and improve, its to ride out each one of these right to the bottom.

  28. No one that counts holds it against me. If you mean club ninety whiner then nothing is good enough for them unless its unlimited handouts and then they still find something to complain about.

  29. I’m starting to see the ninety whiner movement become more fractured and it seems to be falling apart. Some thanks goes to Donalee. I told her a long time ago this was an unpopular stance and at some point the group would begin infighting because their consciences would get the better of them and the will to fight as an united front would be too much for these group of self centered “its all about me” people. I think she knew what I was talking about.

    Its definitely made my job easier and more fun.

  30. We bring people on all the time…being unemployed or not earning is held against you, and you are vetted. We mean what we say.

  31. I didn’t ask if you bring in people all the time. I asked who your employer was and how did you get your job.

    I have a job so it is not held against me. Isn’t that considered discrimination by not considering the unemployed? Wouldn’t that solve the very problem you are ranting on about?

  32. Sebastian, were you unemployed when you got your job or did you leave an employer?

    Who is your employer? We can all benefit if you are hiring.

  33. I have never been without a job or without earned income. I did take a month off to travel with pay before beginning another opportunity. Where I’m from you just can’t not be earning an income. No excuses.

  34. Like I said people get an opportunity with us all time. I don’t advertise opportunities, if you are aware of what we do then you will know how to contact us. We do not discriminate within the letter of the law. Our local laws cite nothing about not considering someone who is not working or who has had gaps in their employment.

  35. we don’t owe you anything. That “I’m waiting on a job or give me a job” doesn’t fly with me. It may bring you some sympathy with your fellow freeloaders but in the real world it doesn’t get you anywhere.

  36. I never posted that you DID owe me or anyone else anything. I merely requested your employer so that others may benefit from the amazing opportunity that you are so gleefully experiencing.

    It simply does not exist.


  37. Donalee is really starting to yank the club ninety whiner chain. I’m luv luvin watching the clones self destruct. Claiming to be broke, having no heart or motivation, and begging to live off of the govt is really working out well for these people isn’t it? At least she is getting paid to do something and f’n the freeloaders is it. Stay tuned!

  38. Ha, can’t answer a direct question.

    There is no employer, you’re all on your own.

    By not answering the question, it answered my question.

  39. We pay well. Your expectations may be somewhat low for what we typically look for. You seem a little gleeful yourself that you collected ue and it seems/appears that you were proud to get something for nothing. We spot your type all the time.

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