Alabama Introduces New Immigration Law, Worse Than Arizona
Not too long ago, many eyes were looking down on Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona. (…)
Not too long ago, many eyes were looking down on Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona. (…)
One of the most important jobs every President of the United States has to do is come up with a budget proposal for every fiscal year. (…)
Ever since he first came into office nearly two years ago, the chief concern of President Barack Obama was to resurrect the American economy, which had crumbled towards the end of the Presidency of George W. Bush. (…)
Earlier this week, President Obama and the Republican Party came together and agreed on a package deal that would extend the Bush era tax cuts for all American citizens for the next two years, extend the unemployment benefits as spelled out by the 99 Weeks extension for another thirteen months, reduce the payroll tax by two percent until 2012, a decrease the estate tax as well, and an extension of tax breaks for college students and their families. (…)
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