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March 14, 2025

Obama Upset With McChrystal

Rolling Stone is traditionally a magazine that pertains to current events within the music industry. However, a recent article in the publication has brought on a political controversy.

In the article, General Stanley McChrystal spoke out negatively against officials. He and his crew mocked high authorities such as Vice President Joe Biden.

Seeing that such actions by a top military official in Afghanistan are intolerable, McChrystal has been brought to Washington D.C. to face President Barack Obama. Obama, who is said to be furious with the comments, will meet with the General Wednesday in the White House.

When it comes to whether or not McChrystal will retain his position, Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary said that “all options are on the table.”

With numerous congressmen and other officials upset with the comments by the General, the call for his removal is high. However, at the end of the day, the decision on what to do with McChrystal lies with President Obama.

Robert Gates, the United States Defense Secretary, said that McChrystal “made a significant mistake and exercised poor judgment.”

To his credit, McChrystal did apologize for his remarks in Rolling Stone.

McChrystal said, “I extend my sincerest apology for this profile. It was a mistake reflecting poor judgment and should never have happened.” He also expressed how those types of actions are far from the “honor and professional integrity” that he sees as his standard.

In the article, McChrystal did not criticize Obama, but did say that McChrystal wanted Obama to be more engaged in the General’s work. He also joked that he didn’t even know who Vice President Joe Biden is. When asked about Biden, McChrystal responded with “who’s that?”

McChrystal, who is the head of the entire United States military in Afghanistan, went on to disrespect numerous other officials and speak poorly about them.

Now Stanley McChrystal has to head to the Oval Office to explain his actions to President Obama.

Despite his disliking of other officials not necessarily having an effect on his ability to run the war, McChrystal’s attitude and mindset shows a serious disconnect with his superiors and colleagues. That kind of behavior can lead to problems down the line that could result in serious damage being done in the Middle East and the loss of numerous lives due to the possible miscommunications and disregards of orders by McChrystal.

For the safety of the troops and the civilians in the Middle East, President Barack Obama must thoroughly look at this situation and decide whether or not McChrystal really is the man for the job.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

3 Comments on Obama Upset With McChrystal

  1. McChrystal is the man for the job Obama should be ran out of town. He should go back to where he came from what ever country it may be Obama is the worst from the bottom of the barrel maybe BP can buy him off again Obama you dont have a clue leave us alone this country cant stand you leave us americans alone and get the HELL out and leave us alone

  2. I’m a boss, too, and if one of my employees talked smack about me and my decisions, I would let them go, too! This is a general and his commander-in-chief is the president. The loyalty he must exhibit is even more serious. It is something for which he takes an oath–whether or not he agrees politically or personally with whomever is his current “boss”! If he cannot do this, he must resign. You want Obama to go back to his “country” of Hawaii??? How mis-informed are you?

  3. @ David – get a clue you idiot.

    @ K. Farhat – agree with you on loyalty among employees is a must.

    Overall Obama is doing the best job he can given the situations he’s facing. He’s not doing THAT bad of a job.

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