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January 18, 2025

Obama Makes Surprise Trip to Afghanistan, Announces Withdrawal of Troops

Tuesday, President Barack Obama made a surprise trip to Afghanistan to make a major announcement. Obama explained how the war in Afghanistan is going to end and spoke of a withdrawal of troops similar to that of Iraq.

Obama said that by the end of this summer, 23,000 soldiers will be returning home. Furthermore, the original deadline of 2014 still stands and Obama plans to leave the nation in control of the Afghani government.

The President made it clear that there will be no permanent military bases or stations in Afghanistan and that all duties will belong to the Afghani officials as American military presence will end.

A year after Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden, the President announced that his administration has spoken with Taliban officials. America has told the Taliban that if they cut all ties with al Qaeda, agree to adhere to the Afghanistan laws, and promise to refrain from violence, they can be a part of the future of the state.

The current plan for Afghanistan will see American troops slowly leave the nation as the government stabilizes over the course of the next two years.

With the Presidential election coming up, the announcement of the end of the Afghanistan War is a major plus for Obama.

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