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March 11, 2025

Democratic National Convention Held, Clinton and Obama Rally Base

This is it. The Democratic National Convention has been held and now we are in the home stretch to the 2012 Presidential Election in November. The big festivities are over for now and the campaign trail is going to have the attention of the media.

Entering this final phase of the pre-election process, the Democrats and President Barack Obama are looking strong. It is typical for each candidate to receive an increase in support immediately following their respective party’s convention. And this year is no exception.

Last week it felt like Mitt Romney might actually make a serious run at dethroning President Obama. Now it feels like Obama is going nowhere and the Republicans will have to wait four more years to try to retake the Oval Office.

Democratic National Convention

For the Republicans, Mitt Romney had a solid speech. He sold his views and slammed Obama and the Democrats. Clint Eastwood made an awkward appearance that generated more Internet memes than actual support for Romney. But Obama delivered a major speech and got help from a famous figure too. Obama’s famous friend was former President Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton went over his designated speech time by twenty minutes, but no one was complaining as the former Head of State gave one of the best speeches in recent memory. Clinton touted the successes of the Obama Administration. Clinton brought up every point the Republicans have made against Obama and proved each point wrong.

Clinton then brought up every point the Republicans were making about how Romney would do a better job for the nation and how he was the right man for the job. Clinton then exposed all of the major holes of those points, such as how Romney’s plans are very vague and do not actually explain how the economy would improve. Also, Romney’s plans would for the most part return us to the same economic system which led to the 2008 crash, but would actually exacerbate the errors of that system.


The President officially accepted the nomination to run for re-election last night. Obama made it clear to voters that the change he promised is happening and is on course, but it is up to them whether they want to see it through or let Romney erase everything and return us to the same economic structure of the Bush years.

Obama rallied the Democratic voters. He pointed out that Romney has advocated views that would only further the desires of conservatives and the wealthy. Romney’s views would only benefit those who are trying to block President Obama’s actions to improve the nation and bring the change he promised.

President Obama asked voters to not fall victim to campaign games and political games. He asked voters to look at the reality of the situation. He asked voters to look closely at the point in history we are in. From the economy to jobs, taxes to energy, education to war, the stances of Republicans and Democrats could not be further apart. For instance, Obama wants to make college cheaper for students and make student loans easier to repay and college grants more readily available, while the Republicans tried to eliminate the education department and all federal help for students 10 years ago.

As Obama put it, this election is “a choice between two different paths for America, a choice between two fundamentally different visions for the future.”


Election Day 2012 will be a pivotal point in American history. At a time when oil prices are higher than ever, the economic disparity is bigger than ever, the national deficit is larger than ever, and the two political party’s are more divided than ever, this choice will play a major role not just for the next four years, but for decades to come.

Will you go out and vote for President Obama to continue his pursuit for social equality, economic opportunity, educational opportunity, and policies that will benefit everyone? Or will you go out and vote for Romney to undo all Obama has done, take health care away from millions, increase the cost of education and health insurance, give tax breaks to the wealthy, (who already have the lowest percentages to pay) and essentially bring benefits to just the wealthy?

In the end, they say it is economics that matter most to voters. So in terms of this election it isn’t so much are you voting for Romney or Obama as much as it is do you make $250,000 a year or not?

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  1. Presidential Campaign Heats Up, Romney Forced to Switch Gears

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