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March 14, 2025

99er’s Exhausting Unemployment Benefits, No One To Blame But Themselves

Job openings still seem to be there.

Job openings still seem to be there.

The Current Job Situation In America

A funny thing has been happening in the United States. President Barack Obama and Congress have worked for the last two years to get as many jobs available to Americans as they can.

For nearly a year, every month has seen a notable growth in job creation. However, the unemployment rate has remained stagnant.

When the rate fell from 9.6% to 9.4% last month, the reason was not that more jobs were taken, but that citizens exhausted their benefits and simply were no longer counted due to no longer searching for work.

And THAT is the problem with the unemployment situation in the United States.

The jobs are there. Over one million jobs have been added in the last year in various industries in the United States. Jobs have been created from high-level corporate jobs to working for minimum wage and in factories. Regardless of education level, there is a job out there that would accept you if you’re smart about it.

For every American that has taken advantage of the opportunities created by President Obama and Congress, there are a few who have just sat at home and waited on the unemployment benefit checks to come in the mail.

The System Is Fine

The system should not be knocked, as it is as good as it can be. It’s unreasonable to demand that every single person on unemployment be thoroughly inspected often enough and closely enough to make sure they are not abusing the system. The unfortunate fact is that while some are truly thankful for the assistance from the government and are using it as an opportunity to get back in the workforce, there are those who realized they could just sit at home, reduce their standard of living a little bit, and just collect a check.

The truth of the matter is that jobs are out there and they are abundant. At the end of 2010, areas like the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington DC, Baltimore, San Jose, Cleveland, Boston, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Charlotte, Atlanta, and other big cities had around 100 job listings for every 1,000 people in the area. San Jose topped the list with 162 job openings for every 1,000 people. Other cities like New York, Chicago, and Pittsburgh had just under 50 job openings for every 1,000 people. (See job map.)

How can people possibly claim that there simply are no jobs for them when over one million jobs were created in the last year on top of the job openings that were already there? Especially the 99ers who have already collected 99 weeks of unemployment and recently held a candlelight vigil because they didn’t get an additional 13 months. Boohoo! Fix up your resumes, improve your skillset, read some books, learn proper punctuation and get a job like everyone else.

If the 99ers want to continue collecting money for over 99 weeks, guess what? It’s no longer called unemployment. It’s called welfare.

How Hard Are 99ers Really Trying?

The truth of the matter is while it is reasonable that in smaller cities and less populated areas, jobs are scarce and the need for unemployment benefits are really there. But for most of the men and women collecting unemployment benefits, there’s a good chance they’re abusing the system.

A reasonable amount of unemployment time is understandable but where do these brash 99ers get off feeling a sense of entitlement that everyone should pool their tax dollars and just hand them to a 99er while they sit at home feeling sorry for themselves while making little effort to improve their own situation.

Now, maybe someone who used to make $200,000 a year can’t find a job paying quite as much, but at a time of true desperation, what’s stopping that person from working at the local mall or restaurant?

Then there are those who are simply going about things wrong.

Mistakes The Unemployed Make

One common mistake is sending the wrong message with a poorly constructed resume. Many 99er’s are aiming for jobs and turning in resumes with spelling and grammar errors (yes I’ve talked to many 99ers and about 99% of them don’t know how to spell or use proper punctuation).  This brings up the question, “would you hire someone like that?”  And better yet “how much do you really want this job if you won’t even go over your resume?

Other issues include people sending out generic resumes and not targeting their resume towards the company they are applying for. This is common sense and all part of trying to present yourself in the best possible light to get a job. Some people also choose to lie on their resumes and are simply unprofessional by being informal and not being punctual.

In short, many who are currently collecting unemployment benefits and are complaining that they can’t find a job are the ones to blame.

There are simply too many 99er’s who are either abusing the system or just doing a bad job of applying for jobs.

One year ago it was understandable that it was difficult to find a job, but over the course of 99 weeks, which is just under two years, how can one explain not being able to find a job?

While some of the 99er’s may have legitimate reasons, for most, can they honestly say that after almost two years of government assistance during which they did not work that they honestly need another 13 months because they truly cannot land one of the over one million jobs out there?

Industry Employment Trends via Wow job growth!
Chart research displays jobs exist... amazing!

50 Comments on 99er’s Exhausting Unemployment Benefits, No One To Blame But Themselves

  1. Here is an ambitious type:

    “I just hope and Pray for few more weeks.” Freeloading at its best.

    Right off the ue friendless board.

  2. No the best one was “14 weeks won’t help much, but we’ll take all we can get and keep rallying for a tier V”. (shaking head) It’s never enough!

  3. Also, Mark aka Sebastian now have a new IP address and is now Michele. Perhaps the next name you should use is Sybil.

  4. Guess I am totally busted. This last two years have been the time of my life and it only took $167 a week to do it. I use to make $300-$350 (depends on tips) but this is so much better. The stress is like a high or buzz of elightenment never before injoyed. I use to work full time at a restuarant, owned a paid off car, had friends, roommates that were friends, a dog, phone minutes, and my life is so much better as the two years of searching went and things left my life. Last year my car died during a snowstorm close to my house. Couldn’t get it started and pushed it to the median as that was all I could do at the time. The next day it got above freezing and was going to see if I could get my car started but noooo it was towed away. Couldn’t afford to get it out of towing and had to sign it over to get important paper work. I’ve job hunted on foot five days a week since the year. It’s a freakin riot of a party especially when the Republicans filibustered a jobs creation bill only because the Democrates wrote it and that was all. This bill would have raised taxes on companies exporting work and lower them for companies bringing back to our country. The rich recieved a continueation of Bush tax cuts that they won’t use to create jobs while you bitch about the deficit. Well that is where $800 Billion went. Could have given it to 99ers to keep the economy going and save more jobs because people use the whole check to purchase basics. NO vacations happen. I only have this computer and a TV left to sell so I’m glad I worked hard at one time to buy them. The bank gets bailed out for causing this mess, gets paid, gets bonuses, and the tax break! WTF!!! The 99ers are paying the cost of their free for all during the Bush days. Next step is crime and the victims will be the smartasses that think this is been a blast because that is what happens to a countries KARMA! I’ll keep some curb open for you selfcentered people. You are just a pawn and can join us at any time easily so don’t judge. Only reason I have my computer still is that I did enroll in school but I won’t get my degree in time to save my ass and student loans won’t go far to live on. Thank you America for my wet dream!

  5. Before you go there Conservatives, I don’t spell well when I’m pissed off at the narrow minded that have amnesia about how we all ended up in this situation in the first place. Everyone involved, banks, Wall Street, all CEOs, and any politian involved should be in jail for destroying our country in fraudualant ways through corruption. If any of us even slip a dime from a drawer count get fired at the least, if not charged, and they got away with murder as many 99ers have offed their families and themselves because they couldn’t provide and couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. There is no light still and rampant random bad stories will happen throughout until the rich fix what they broke. All they want to do is keep us fighting at eachother why the still fuck some more money out for their own profits. Try and remember, for those of you who still have money to shop, at least buy only American and it will save a citizen’s job and they can feel thir family or self. No more NIKES, thank you.

  6. My god people, quit complaining and defending yourself. It’s just an article stating some straight up facts, why don’t you do something about it instead of b**ching and moaning? Get off your computer, and go out and apply.

  7. What’s up Jill sweetness. How about you go check and see if you can score a second job if you think they are so easy to score? Lets see if you get a phone call before your fingers type without you thinking first. Can’t get blood from a turnip is a saying that means that you can not get something that does not exist. The facts stated in this actical had vague facts that can be manipulated to the authors view which is a false view at best. Republics keep cockblocking jobs bills that this counrty needs without cause. Instead of doing the jobs they need to do today, they are only focused on bashing Obama to make it seem like it would be his fault jobs are not being created. They don’t want jobs to come back from over seas because Obama would get the credit and that is all they care about. They should be stripped of their pay for not doing the job from them that promotes job growth so that gameful imployment can be rendered by those in need. We all want jobs and I have personaly walked on foot five days a week in hunt for a job. I’m dressed nice, clean shaved, and have a tight resume and jobs are just not their. Get off your high horse sweetheart and quit mooching free drinks at the bar, that would be socialist now would it not? Just guessing that you haven’t had to do anything completely on your own, like have your own place without a man’s wallet. Try it, go apply for a job for hobby and get back to me when you succeed and then you can bash all of us you want.

  8. You know, Limbaugh claims that he has 35 million listeners. The fact is, there is no way to prove that as there is no rating or counting system for radio listeners.

    This article has false claims as well. It also has false supporters. These are kids having a snit fit for whatever sick reason of theirs to troll and attack people. Fun and profit is not a worthy lifestyle, it is being an opportunistic asshole.

  9. Tuesday – Group Call-In Event

    The Facebook group Extend Unemployment Benefits is calling on all interested parties (this means you) to phone their representatives and urge them to pass legislation in support of the 99ers.

    As always, we recommend using the CongressMerge database to find up-to-date contact information for your representatives in the House and Senate. Please review the information in the “ – Advocacy 101” section of our website (sidebar, right) for tips on calling Congress.

    At a minimum, please make your representatives aware of the efforts of their colleagues Barbara Lee and Bobby Scott, who will be re-introducing legislation in support of the 99ers on Wednesday. Ask them to co-sponsor the bill.
    Wednesday – Lee/Scott Press Conference

    The American 99ers Union announced last week that Representatives Barbara Lee and Bobby Scott will be holding a press conference to announce their reintroduction of a bill that will extend unemployment benefits by an additional 14 weeks. The benefits will be added to an existing tier, making 99ers eligible.

    When we can confirm the time and place for the press conference, we’ll post an update here.
    Thursday – Hearing on Improving Efforts to Help Unemployed Americans Find Jobs

    “Congressman Geoff Davis (R-KY), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the Committee on Ways and Means, (today) announced that the Subcommittee will hold a hearing on improving efforts to help unemployed Americans find jobs. The hearing will take place on Thursday, February 10, 2011, in Room B-318 Rayburn House Office Building, immediately after a brief Subcommittee organizational meeting beginning at 2:00 P.M.” (source)

    The hearing will “focus on current policies and programs designed to help unemployed individuals return to work and how they can be improved.” A live feed of the proceedings will be available.

    Don’t forget to email your submission to the Committee by the close of business today.

    Time to get organized for next week: more calls and faxes to our representatives, tweets in coordination with the Twitter Action Committee and ways to reach out to local media.

    It’s going to be a busy week. Let’s work as hard and as smart as we can to make it a successful one.

  10. This bill will not get out of committee. So get your panties in bunch, go out buy some lottery tickets, get your kids new cell phone, smoke some more. Its starting to feel like christmas around a ninety whiner house. And as the weeks and then months tick by and they see their savior bill just sit there and sit there they will start blaming anyone and everyone again that this isn’t their fault. Losing your job may not have been your fault (this is debatable) not getting another one is. So rally at your couches and cspan and watch the travesty that is your lives take place.

  11. ” Couldn’t afford to get it out of towing and had to sign it over to get important paper work. I’ve job hunted on foot five days a week since the year.” calling bs on that whine. Are you that much of a social outcast that no one would offer you a ride or the use of their car for a short time so you can get your ass employed. Who wouldn’t loan you the impound fee? You must have screwed up you life beyond repair to be in this position. Finding a job maybe shouldn’t be your priority — finding yourself might be first.

  12. The whiners are already self destructing and they haven’t even seen the newest handout bill yet. This is a not to be missed cluster —-. I’ll will be doing my part and keep slamming these creeps. You will be broken AGAIN!

    Goin’ to tweet it.

  13. You may not and of course the ninety whiners think its all about them. I suspect you do care what is said about you. We have responsibility and personal accountability on our side, so why don’t you get on the team and go in for the big win. Translation: get a job. If you want to reamin a whiner thats fine with me…I’m sure I’ll drive past a few of you on the freeway off ramps at some point.

  14. No one gives a rats ass what he does? And no one gives a rats ass how you end up! Just stating the facts pisses all you hardship cases off don’t it? Telling your horror stories of unemployment does nothing more than show the world just how incompetent you really are. How useless you’ve all become. And how much of a burden you all really are to society! Such a shame.

  15. They would never make viewing the ue friendless site available to just registered users. They need exposure and even the anti handout types are welcome. You just can’t say anything bad about them, because they’re some kind of protected class — kind of like an endangered species. No we are always welcome to bash them, just not directly to them. That would be considered “uncivil”. The site does serve a purpose — I use their content daily to keep the pressure on them, and that hoping for another handout or waiting on the govt to do something for them is no way to go through life.

  16. No, no one gives a rat’s ass what you say or do boys. Run for office and actually do something useful. It’s a joke on this thread, your ranting and whining about other people you don’t even know, much less consider to be human.

    Nothing you say affects me or anyone else.

    Worthless dribble on a useless site out of millions of them.

    Actually, people do care about how I end up.

    Oh yes, I have a job and a life.

  17. Pedo pink…we do know who you are. You’re whiners and non doers. Some have jobs those are the ones that came the quick realization that “hey I’d better get something coming in, this govt just ain’t working fast enough for me” and voila you’re working. See how easy that was? But for the other freeloaders time is not on your side. Tick Tock. Teach these people pedo pink. You have and obligation.

  18. A quote from the failures at UEF: “Then someone who is a legend in her own mind comes along and undoes everything we try to accomplish. I really can’t explain my frustration right now. This is all so unbelievable!”

    You people are cluster—-s! Can’t get together on your one little insignificant cause. Check your consciences thats where the problem starts more than likely.

  19. In case you didn’t get the memo…some of you are less than human…you are parasites. Right now many are still complaining that your rent is due or they will be shutting off your electric or your cell phone is dead. When you are flushed out into the streets and all of the shelters are full and it calls for temps in the teens you will then have a real problem. It will be too late by then to say or think hey, Sebastian was right.

  20. You think you’re the big troll hunter over at ue friendless. Its not hard to keep the opposing views off of your self loathing site when self pity is all you want to make it about.

  21. I have no idea what website you keep referring to is.

    You assume what I think. You are wrong kiddo.

    Not once have I posted anything about pity, although you are pitiful, it’s true.

  22. It’s my day off, I have stuff to do. I do not want to waste any more of my precious time on this asshole Sebastian.

    Profile: Sebastian, 25, male, single, loner, asshole.

  23. You don’t pedo pink? I think you’re lying. But it doesn’t matter who you are. you are still trying to defend the indefensible and I’m still going to slam ninety whiners here and on the other sites. Keep watching for me.

  24. Yeah thats right you run anyone off — its you thats runs off. I’m the board eraser. Hey thats what I’m all about anyway. I stomp out whiners.

  25. Not ONE time have I read anything that the unemployed are doing everything in their power to get work. Sure you Fax resumes. Sure you apply at places online. Sure you went and applied at a few or various places that still take applications in person. But have you all listened to yourself? Have you all read anything you have wrote on these blogs/sites? NOPE!

    There are things you can do to make ends meet. It may not be 50k per year but it will pay the rent. Have you considered that there are agencies where you can go at 5am and sit there hour after hour hoping for a daily job? Once you show a commitment you will get a job. Keep showing your commitment and that job will become daily work. And they pay daily at most places like that. What? You didn’t know that? FFS

    There is also…. various other things. Babysit in home. Take on foster parenting. Do yard work. Collect aluminum. Lots of people do it and so can you. Don’t sit around whining about no money. Stop acting as if you are too good to take less. Stop acting as if you can’t do anything I’ve mentioned.

    Before my daddy passed on he was once in a position where there was no work. And when the money ran out he was at a agency for what seems like weeks before he got a job. But it was more like days. Once they started sending him out, he kept getting another assignment. He was paid daily. And it paid his rent. His utilities and his groceries. All he did was go there every day at around 5am when the doors opened. Signed it, and took a seat. They offered coffee. He then waited till after all the jobs were given out (around noon) and carried himself back home. He did this everyday. Then one day he got a job. And another day and another. Before you know it he was going out every day. And he was getting paid at the end of every day. He did this for ONE YEAR! Till the housing industry kicked back in and he was building new homes again. See, he was self employed so guess what??? No unemployment for him. He had to fend for himself. And he made it happen. He didn’t cry about anything. He didn’t get online (never knew how). He WORKED! And you can too.

    Unless you think your too good to do anything I’ve mentioned.

    This is why we are sick of hearing the whining going on with the unemployed. They are making it work for them. They are sitting there with their hands out waiting for that next check. This is why your class of people are such a sad class!

  26. I thought you’d accuse me of lying so I thought I would take a look. I write the truth.

    You did not run me off, I have a life, it seems that you absolutely relish posting and have nothing else to do. Sad really.

    You did not run me off you egotistical crap, I have a day off and need to do something worthwhile. It certainly is not this.

    I see you did not dispute the profile.

  27. I think tomorrow morning I will do a drive by of the agencies local here that have daily work — daily pay. And see how many actually go in and wait for work. I work nights so 5am will be nothing for me. I might even stop in and have a cup of coffee with the unemployed and see for myself up close and personal how many actually climb out of bed that early and go to this agency to seek WORK FOR PAY JOBS! I bet it’s not very many. With all the unemployment I would hope to see it standing room only with people lined out the door. But frankly I doubt that is the scenario. This should be interesting. I bet not one reporter/Television station or otherwise ever thought to actually go look for themselves to see if in fact there is people lined up at those agencies waiting for work. I bet NOT!

  28. Mark, your daddy? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and post that you are older than 12.

    Profile: Mark, male, 25, single, asshole, Sebastian alter ego.

  29. The Unemployed will NOT be at any agencies waiting patiently all day long for a job because…. Drum Roll Please…… BOOM BOOM BA BOOM….. They are still in bed at 5am. Just go read the UF Forum. There is a thread dedicated to just that. Most say they don’t crawl out of bed til noon or after because they just don’t have a need to anymore or they have given up. Or blah blah blah.

    So in the A.M. While I am at the agency having coffee and counting the EMPTY chairs that should occupy the unemployed, you all are still in bed with no alarm clock set. Waiting till sunlight kicks your butt out and you then hurry to your computer to post your next thing online. And how much are you making anyway? NOTHING.

  30. I could take pictures, where would I post them? Oh great idea. I will! This should be good! Thanks for that advice. I never thought to snap pictures. I can post them for you to see. Ah this will be interesting.

  31. Again Pedo pink I get paid to do this. Messing with whiners is a perk that comes with this fun job. Stay and be put down some more, I’m guessing you won’t stay for long though, thats because you’re weak and side with failures. Thats where you belong, and it looks like you’ve appointed yourself the spokesperson.

    Remember the name of this article — no one to blame but themselves….it makes a lot sense.

  32. Hey,Sebastian/Mark, if you are so tired of hearing about it than by all means, stay off this thread. I hope KARMA finds your asses and removed your jobs real soon so you can try and figure out what you think is easy. It’s easy to judge a situation that you are not in and I promise that most 99ers have been trying hard to find answers. I could only go to school for an answer and I apply on the way and back at many different places including minimus wage. There is a point that some people have mortages, car payments, child support, and other bills that have to be covered and such minumum wage jobs will not cover those basics. Someone can not recyle enough cans or work at a daily laybor because the money made will not suffice. The whole time with IU wasn’t enough to keep my bills in line and I sure as hell tryed to gain gamefull employment so I wouldn’t lose my place. I worked sixteen years straight, and just like you are not, I paid into the insurance for incase of unemployment so that it has nothing to do with you. I’m sure I’ve paid enough in my taxes to have earned the extra time. It is winter as well right now and that is the slow season for many tourist based industries like restuarants and retail which is my best bet for employment. If all of us who are 99ers went for all the minimum wage jobs then where would the people go that already hold those positions? There are only so many low wage jobs available as well in this country. Lots of jobs just do not exist because they are over seas. For me, seeing that I made tips in a restaurant, people stopped eating out because they lost jobs in local warehouses and less tourist came to Asheville because of the same thing or gas was to high. Our tourism has dropped by a third. With that many people loseing jobs that rained down on the restaurants and less sales occured. That means that we had several employees to many every single night for many weeks and that is why ties had to be cut with the employer. At one point people were asked to leave as the last closing server came in. Many of nights on a regular night that had 14 on the floor only 10-12 would get to start and everyone took turns not working a day in which everyone did. This is all caused from the Bush Adminstration who through fraud gained more then a share of the pie that wasn’t there to take. They stole from our country and you refuse to know that. If you are so in love with Capitalism than why didn’t you throw your hands up when the banks and corporations bot bailed out instead of failing, which is the rule of Capitalism. No you didn’t give a s*** that well to do rich people got bailed, paid, and bonuses and why is that? Why the double standard for if 99ers get bailed or banks? They should have failed and then all of us 99ers whould still be flurishing. Any of us could have opened up our own bank for a business or a car company by the rules of Capitalism. Well they got socialist when they needed it to save their asses. For you I challenge you to try and gain a seconde job just to see if you get phone calls back. If you don’t want life to hit you s***ty like Karma should do to you, then I would STFU about things you do not know about. You could not make it a month before your ass would be crying and a month before you would give your self a week off from trying. The frustration cares with you to the next place getting your resume. It’s like asking girls out and getting rejected, you have to quit for a short bit to shake it off and refocus. It’s a natural thing but doesn’t make anyone lazy. Funny thing about that saying “walk a mile in my shoes”, no one likes to put those shoes on ever unless they are a nicer pair. For you people that lack compassion for us and claim to have a life, quit talking **** to us to make up the lack or your ego. If you had a life you would focus yourselves elsewheres. I hope you lose your jobs and every month you have to go pawn something you enjoyed until their is nothing left. Only then will you understand. None of us enjoyed losing peice of our lives and we tried to keep it together but all in all their just isn’t enough out their to hold on to in order to keep our livelihoods. Oh, how I wish you would try. If this economy doesn’t fix in the next couple of years, excpect crime to go up to survive and in that case I hope they mug you smartasses first because you deserve it.

  33. oops

    I’m not being put down, not at all, no one is because no one fits into your criteria.

    🙂 still haven’t disputed my profile of you both, er you.

    I am not the spokesperson of anyone, people speak for themselves.

    I choose not to play in the schoolyard with childish assholes any longer. I have better things to do.

    This is old news.

  34. @ Douglas Jones 99er: those kids feel nothing, nothing other than anger towards something they know nothing of. They think they are better than everyone else and nothing could be further from the truth. They only have themselves to pay for, supposedly get paid by some other asshole to incite those who have lost their livelihoods. It’s sick, they are sick. They don’t even know that they are despicable. They have the same mentality as Palin, Limbaugh and Beck, all about me me me and only me. They disgust everyone and have to attack online for no one will actually listen to them in ‘real life’.

    I wish you the best, I hope the economy turns around in your area. It is still a high unemployment number where I am in FL too.

  35. Your right about one thing. I don’t give a s***! Why? Because! Unemployed set around collecting oh the first year saying they were not going to accept less than they deserved as far a job went. So while YOU were sitting at home faxing, calling, emailing your resumes… I was hitting the pavement looking for a job. I was selling myself. I feel I sold myself short but I GOT A JOB! Guess what? I never once put in an application ONLINE! I never one faxed a damn thing. I never one sat at home waiting for that next check or the phone to ring. I got out there two and three times a week ALL DAY starting at 7am. Packed a lunch and NEVER came home til dark. I was hitting every business one at a time going door to door. And I was registered with 5 or 6 employment agencies who had me working about 2 weeks per month full time at a minimum of 10 bucks an hour. NOT good pay but WORK! I didn’t complain, I WORKED!

    I used to live in a nice High Rise Studio Apartment, but when I was let go in October of 2008 I immediately moved from the suburbs to Jasper Tennessee to a MOBILE HOME! I am 41 years old and Drive 30 miles to work and 30 miles back per day! 11 Months after I was laid off and working odd jobs through agencies and hitting every business I know of 12+ hours a day, I landed a job through the agency on a temp to hire. I worked 90 days through the agency, then 90 days probationary period with the company and WAHLAH! I was hired and now have benefits and I have already achieved 40 hours vacation on my pay stub. Can you say the same? I worked the bottoms of my shoes off to get that job. I NEVER sat at home online waiting for the next handout.

    I don’t have family here. My father died in 2005. Even then he was over 500 miles away. I have no one else. But myself. I just did NOT want to rely on the government for my rent. And I didn’t.

    No two situations can be compared. I know this. But the way the two go about finding work can be!

    It can all work, if you want it to.

  36. and company paid health insurance and holiday pay. Sick leave and more. no I am not complaining. I worked for it. It’s not much but it’s MINE! So if you think I am saying it’s all about me me me you couldn’t be more wrong. I am saying you have the ability to do the same thing. But you choose government checks for not working. I choose to earn mine! BIG DIFFERENCE

  37. I have a job Mark, I had my first job decades before you were born. You can’t even compete with me so don’t even try.

  38. Thats the problem pedo pink…you’re old and that does not entitle you think you know more because you’re old. Most old people are just that OLD. Their opinions and experiences don’t count…stay out of the seventies. Keep it to yourself and maybe people won’t overlook you so much. We don’t need to know how it was in your good old days.

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