The Current Job Situation In America
A funny thing has been happening in the United States. President Barack Obama and Congress have worked for the last two years to get as many jobs available to Americans as they can.
For nearly a year, every month has seen a notable growth in job creation. However, the unemployment rate has remained stagnant.
When the rate fell from 9.6% to 9.4% last month, the reason was not that more jobs were taken, but that citizens exhausted their benefits and simply were no longer counted due to no longer searching for work.
And THAT is the problem with the unemployment situation in the United States.
The jobs are there. Over one million jobs have been added in the last year in various industries in the United States. Jobs have been created from high-level corporate jobs to working for minimum wage and in factories. Regardless of education level, there is a job out there that would accept you if you’re smart about it.
For every American that has taken advantage of the opportunities created by President Obama and Congress, there are a few who have just sat at home and waited on the unemployment benefit checks to come in the mail.
The System Is Fine
The system should not be knocked, as it is as good as it can be. It’s unreasonable to demand that every single person on unemployment be thoroughly inspected often enough and closely enough to make sure they are not abusing the system. The unfortunate fact is that while some are truly thankful for the assistance from the government and are using it as an opportunity to get back in the workforce, there are those who realized they could just sit at home, reduce their standard of living a little bit, and just collect a check.
The truth of the matter is that jobs are out there and they are abundant. At the end of 2010, areas like the San Francisco Bay Area, Washington DC, Baltimore, San Jose, Cleveland, Boston, Seattle, Austin, Denver, Charlotte, Atlanta, and other big cities had around 100 job listings for every 1,000 people in the area. San Jose topped the list with 162 job openings for every 1,000 people. Other cities like New York, Chicago, and Pittsburgh had just under 50 job openings for every 1,000 people. (See job map.)
How can people possibly claim that there simply are no jobs for them when over one million jobs were created in the last year on top of the job openings that were already there? Especially the 99ers who have already collected 99 weeks of unemployment and recently held a candlelight vigil because they didn’t get an additional 13 months. Boohoo! Fix up your resumes, improve your skillset, read some books, learn proper punctuation and get a job like everyone else.
If the 99ers want to continue collecting money for over 99 weeks, guess what? It’s no longer called unemployment. It’s called welfare.
How Hard Are 99ers Really Trying?
The truth of the matter is while it is reasonable that in smaller cities and less populated areas, jobs are scarce and the need for unemployment benefits are really there. But for most of the men and women collecting unemployment benefits, there’s a good chance they’re abusing the system.
A reasonable amount of unemployment time is understandable but where do these brash 99ers get off feeling a sense of entitlement that everyone should pool their tax dollars and just hand them to a 99er while they sit at home feeling sorry for themselves while making little effort to improve their own situation.
Now, maybe someone who used to make $200,000 a year can’t find a job paying quite as much, but at a time of true desperation, what’s stopping that person from working at the local mall or restaurant?
Then there are those who are simply going about things wrong.
Mistakes The Unemployed Make
One common mistake is sending the wrong message with a poorly constructed resume. Many 99er’s are aiming for jobs and turning in resumes with spelling and grammar errors (yes I’ve talked to many 99ers and about 99% of them don’t know how to spell or use proper punctuation). This brings up the question, “would you hire someone like that?” And better yet “how much do you really want this job if you won’t even go over your resume?”
Other issues include people sending out generic resumes and not targeting their resume towards the company they are applying for. This is common sense and all part of trying to present yourself in the best possible light to get a job. Some people also choose to lie on their resumes and are simply unprofessional by being informal and not being punctual.
In short, many who are currently collecting unemployment benefits and are complaining that they can’t find a job are the ones to blame.
There are simply too many 99er’s who are either abusing the system or just doing a bad job of applying for jobs.
One year ago it was understandable that it was difficult to find a job, but over the course of 99 weeks, which is just under two years, how can one explain not being able to find a job?
While some of the 99er’s may have legitimate reasons, for most, can they honestly say that after almost two years of government assistance during which they did not work that they honestly need another 13 months because they truly cannot land one of the over one million jobs out there?
Whining is convenient for these people. What they’re doing to find a job is obviously not working. They need a new approach, but in the mean time while think that up they’ll get on line and find out who is in their same situation. You see their heart isn’t in it like they claim it is. Its more satisfying and convenient to complain to others like them. The trophy analogy was more about how they think they are entitled to services, or people should bend over backwards to help them or things given to them because they are some kind of protected class. Yes they are deluded and so are you if you think things will go your way if you just whine long enough…but so far this hasn’t sunk in yet…it does when the door gets slammed on you, but that seems to be the only way to get through to these people. Harsh reality…they enjoy it I think.
“What they’re doing to find a job is obviously not working. They need a new approach”
Sebastian, perhaps you could suggest a new approach to finding employment. Any help you could give would be much appreciated. Thank you for your support.
Sebastian: “I am a younger guy but I know” There is that BUT again. You don’t know shit abut life Sebastian. What all the others posting (with the exception of Mark) know is that you are making a royal ass of yourself with the lack of life experience and skills to make a decent, compassionate human being. Don’t get sick or be in a car accident, oh wait, that won’t happen to you. As far as being inarticulate, you write and spell far worse than others are posting too.
As far as whining? You and Mark are whining far, far more than anyone else on this thread. Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps people that are searching for a job may find one through the connections they make online? No, it apparently has not.
Sooner or later life will kick the both of you in the ass. You betcha it will and when you least expect it.
36,000 new jobs vs millions of unemployed and underemployed. Tell us what new approach can be done to get one of those. Instead of constant critical and nasty undertones, give us a great new way to get one of those great new opportunities. You two seem to know all the answers.
@Ped Pink, Been there done that. I chose to fix my future. Oh and by the way, I never once came online to whine about my hardships. It’s not doing you any good. Because you will be in the same boat after the 14 added weeks as you are now. It gets you nowhere. Sure, it pays your light bill for a few more weeks etc…. but then what? I’ll tell you, you’ll be back to the tier V nonsense. Frankly everyone is sick of hearing about it. Well your not, and those unemployed are not. But you take your circumstances which you said are out of your control, be that as it may. If you can’t change it, then how is more weeks or extensions going to prove anything? It won’t. It just gives you more free government money that you are not entitled to anymore than the welfare recipients are entitled to welfare because they keep spreading their legs wider and wider.
I am and have always been against Unemployment, Welfare, Food Stamps, Low income housing, or anything that is a straight handout. Work for what you want regardless what that is. A temporary fix is okay. But then what? More, More, More. That’s what. It’s a never ending cycle of abuse.
For the life of me I don’t know why I keep coming here. Your all a bunch of morons. You can’t take the heat. But you sure know how to dish it out. I was going to stop coming here but forgot to remove the bookmark. Then I decided what the heck. And now I am posting again. I am not telling you anything that you already didn’t know. (shaking head) I am removing bookmark. There are jobs. Stop and think to yourself NOT what you think you are worth but what you are worth now that you have nothing. Lower your standards and go back to work. And stop complaining that YOUR HUNGRY! Food Stamps are there for the taking. You already know that. Go get ya some! In The mean time Sebastian your on your own now. I was glad I found somewhere that I could come to vent, but these “Trolls” are getting on my last available nerve. And that’s exactly what they are.
Besides that, my weekend shift starts tonight. 36 straight so I gotta get some rest today. Take care and
“Get A Job”!!!!
May find one? And you consider that a start? Your progression should be further along after 2 years than that. I do not offer advice or solutions. I know what I needed to do, and since you all claim to be so smart and capable it should be so easy for you. But we both know that its neither easy or that you have done all you can…we’ll leave it at that.
On another note — I was right that the rate would go down and thats a positive (can I get a woo hoo?)
The tier 5 lie just went poof…again.
Mark, I have a job.
You are not whining about YOUR hardships, you are whining about OTHERS.
Mark, I don’t know why you keep coming on here either.
Sebastian, you do not offer advice or solutions BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW HOW AND/OR CAN’T. YOU JUST SHIT ON PEOPLE.
I will continue to call out the ninety whiners for what they are…attention whores that have nothing better to do than play around all day on the internet and not get paid for it. Not able to find a job is not the samething as cruisin’ the net looking for stories about when the the next handout is coming.
Well, your buddy left you Sebastian. What a pal.
I am having a bit of a giggle with you. I have a job kiddo.
The wolf hunts alone, swine gather at the trough to feed.
I do this for fun and profit. And great you have job.
I knew you couldn’t offer any solutions for us Sebastian. There simply aren’t any as long as there are NO JOBS! Now get to work!
You people don’t want solutions…you want free money. You want solutions? Get a job coach. You can’t keep using that no jobs rhetoric — its tired and played out. Can you see why they haven’t given you anymore weeks of handouts?
Fun and profit. Not for any other reason. Despicable.
Now for the truth. It’s you that is the attention whore.
Job coach? Talk about rhetoric. Just how would one pay for a job coach?
You you you. You people this and that.
Yes Sebastian, people want solutions. People want jobs. People want to stay in their homes. People want the jobs they had, and now they want at least a chance for another one. Since you offer no solutions for what you criticize, you are worthless, your words are worthless.
Do the math, 36,000 jobs vs millions of people looking.
If you are going to be writing rebuttals, at least do more research on the truth.
The jobs they had? That seems to be the problem with you people. That job is no longer. You people live in the past way too much and the future is kicking your asses. They aren’t that worthless c’mon…it gets the freeloader echo chamber stirred up. Oh and believe me I’m going to be all over this next tier 5 lie crap. Freeloaders have no place and have no chance. Watch and see.
I know they’re not all looking either. Some not all. Get real. There is a new permanent underclass beginning in this country now. So here is some advice (wow look at me) aspire not to be in it. Simple enough.
“meatloaf, taters and peas” those are called potatoes you bumpkin…where do you live wierdo? In hazzard county?
Worthless dribble.
It could be…but you do know that creepy little site of yours is being watched and things that are written are used other places? I sure haven’t seen any serious consideration for another handout for the ninety whiners. Not likely either. Thats a shame huh?
Cute little quote: “because you won’t give me a job…….”
Now you’re owed a job? First it was indefinite ue handouts, now a job? You people are piece of work. Thats why you’re where your at.
But…again that but.
I don’t know what creepy little site you are going on about.
Worthless dribble Sebastian. Your argument is weaker each post you make.
The ue friendless board — what else. We scrape a lot of information and crap off of that site.
Yeah? people like reading what I have to say. And it pays well. I’m not making any argument…my purpose is to make you realize if you don’t do something for you youselves, no one else will. And whining about your miserable existence is not going to help. You people are a hoot in the real world believe me.
No, I didn’t run off and leave him. I WORK NIGHTS AND SLEEP DAYS you idiots. It’s called a JOB!
I am NEVER going to let anyone tell me I can or cannot do something. So stop telling me to leave, it will do you no good. bawhahahah
I do get tired of reading your day after day whines and cries. It gets old. VERY OLD. It’s tiresome reading a constant BEG.
BTW, UF forum this evening was quite entertaining. The posts there were pretty much what I expected just not so many of them at once. The pity party whines, pointing fingers, and blah blah. Lets also review the posts about working for McDonalds. NOT. And thats what they said. If they aren’t whining about one thing, it’s another. And I have copied posts where they have admitted to turning down work based on the wage offered.
BTW, I’ve been signed in there and chatting. Have you all IDIOTS guessed who I am yet? NOPE! AND you call yourself SMART! Try again!
Maybe Sebastian and I are CURRENTLY the only people who are NOT afraid to speak our mind. But we are not alone. Those like us are everywhere. Sad thing is most find it hard to speak up for fear of a gang like attack. Well, Not me. You can play but you cannot play forever the same old game, the same old song and dance. I often wondered why most people who thought like myself and Sebastian had our posts either deleted from other blogs/boards and/or banned or restricted from further posting. This is simple, they didn’t want to hear from those who opposed lengthy unemployment handouts. I am thankful there is NOW a board where we too can be heard without fear of being excluded due to our opinions. Whats fair is fair. You say what you feel, and so can everyone else. It’s about time.
First off I’m no rocket scientist, but 50 job openings per 1000 people in Chicago, and 162 per 1000 San Jose. Considering I’m passing physics in my radiology program with an A, I think that your math and ratios are extremely far off. in Chicago that would put the ratio at 20 individuals per job opening, and in your best statistics in San Jose you would have roughly a 6:1 ratio. So as I said I’m no genius but aren’t those numbers even worse than what the department of labor states, a 4:1 unemployed to jobs available, I think you should grab your hair on the back of your head and pull up your head out of your a@& because that is the worst article I have read about us 99ers being lazy, especially with rediculous statistics like that, please tell me there is nobody paying you for this load of crap!!!?
Ask anyone who has recently lost a job if he/she plans to remain unemployed for a long time and most will answer, “OF COURSE NOT!” Ask if he/she is seriously looking for another job and most will answer, “CERTAINLY!”
Although more than 1,000,000 new job openings occur each month, many job hunters find themselves unable to reconnect quickly. They are qualified and jobs are available. What’s the problem?
Those less than apparent reasons that hinder reemployment have little to do with either the job hunter’s skills or the labor market. Most are a result of the job hunter’s behaviors.
At least 40% turn off prospective employers by presenting themselves poorly in appearance and manners.
Approximately 42% are qualified but have difficulty tapping the “hidden job market.” This is formally known as Frictional Unemployment.
More than 80% cannot identify or describe their skills and abilities.
Approximately 85% of the long term unemployed do not spend enough time looking for a job. In fact, the majority devote fewer than five hours a week to the job search.
Approximately 90% cannot answer difficult questions during interviews.
They’re gone!
This is worthless dribble from both of you.
You two are idiot kids and have serious issues.
Nothing you post matters to me.
I see where the blowhard Sgt Schultz doesn’t even mention the whiners anymore. He took a lot of grief for supporting this unpopular freeloadin’ cause. And him backing off was the best thing that could of happened for him and you. You don’t need anymore negative publicity. I’ll supply that.
Mark just cited some statistics for your ass. Somebody had to do it. I know its not convenient to your cause, you don’t like to hear anything but your own rhetoric…are you eating off of that rhetoric? Hows that taste? Does it pay the utilities?
You know in your narrow minds that what is being told to you from people like me is 100% right. You can’t accept it, and some of you may never get it. I think many are giving up on you people.
Good morning to all you ignorant trolls! Time to wake up and start harassing us again. BTW — MAYBE ALL DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BUT I DO. I’ve been tracking the times you post here and there. I also know one of you put a pesky little pop up virus in the music thread. No problems though, I cleared it out. You gave yourself away when you did that. lololololol
Forgot to mention, I am aware that the time stamps on the posts here are PST.
We will break you.
It feels like a great money making day to me.
We will break you.
# Posted by Sebastian on February 5th, 2011 at 5:32 am
I don’t think so. Have fun trying though.
I guess the best revenge is living well and not having to a talk about living in a cardboard box or begging my family for a place to live.
Doesn’t seem like you are living too well, Sebastian. If all you do all day is harass the unemployed, you don’t have much of a life. You might as well wipe your butt with your money. At least I have an excuse for harassing you – I am bored, broke and I want a job.
One never knows what is five minutes away. Watch it Sebastian and Mark, life can kick you in the ass and will before your time is up.
No one comes out of life unscathed.
By the way, if you were doing really well in your life, you wouldn’t be doing such a pitiful job (take that two ways) with made up statistics and false facts.
I have a fact, the two posters, Mark and Sebastian, are 100% assholes.
I get paid to do this…can you understand how satisfying that is? You have probably never had job where you can say you truly loved what you did…probably took the first job available. That is common mistake made by many.
I have to go pound another site right now, its not a ue site either. Keep watching for me though.
I have to go pound another site right now, its not a ue site either. Keep watching for me though.
Posted by Sebastian on February 5th, 2011 at 6:35 am
I am right behind you, loser!
I read on one board where a man was told by the judge that if he did not get a job and start making his child support payments in 1 month he was going to jail. And you know what? The man got a job. This may be the only way some of you will turn things around. A little scared straight action might just do it.
An article from the NY Times today by Bob Herbert, worth reading, however, I highly doubt you two will.
Here are two excerpts:
“What data zealots need to do is leave their hermetically sealed rooms and step outside, take a walk among the millions of Americans who are hurting to the bone. They should talk with families that are suffering, losing their homes, doubling up, checking into homeless shelters.”
The policy makers who rely on the data zealots are just as detached from the real world of real people. They’re always promising in the most earnest tones imaginable to do something about employment, to ease the awful squeeze on the middle class (policy makers never talk about the poor), to reform education, and so on.
Until you step in the shoes of anybody, you have absolutely no idea what it is like to live in those shoes. People you criticize laugh at your ignorance. Don’t fool yourself into thinking what you say and write actually matters to anyone of any importance, much less those you criticize.
This is a quote:
“The policy makers who rely on the data zealots are just as detached from the real world of real people. They’re always promising in the most earnest tones imaginable to do something about employment, to ease the awful squeeze on the middle class (policy makers never talk about the poor), to reform education, and so on.”