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March 29, 2025

Where Will Casey Anthony Go?? Release Date Coming, 3am on July 17th

Casey Anthony will be released from prison on Sunday, July 17th and word on the street is that it will come between 3 and 4am.  Jail officials have made it clear that upon release from prison, she will not get any special treatment or protection. Just like all released prisoners, Casey Anthony will be on her own to take care of herself and do what she pleases.

Security experts say it can cost upwards to $10,000 per week to keep Anthony properly secure based on perceived threat levels.

Although other experts say Anthony can stand to earn over a million dollars by selling her story to a TV station, get a book deal or doing a tell-all interview.

Speculation is starting to build as to where Casey will go and if she will move back into her parents, George and Cindy Anthony’s home.[readnext]

The answer to that is pointing toward a big NO for a few main reasons:

  1. George Anthony has publicly stated that Casey is not welcome in his home.
  2. Casey has refused several visitation attempts by Cindy Anthony.
  3. Casey’s defense nastily accused George Anthony of sexually molesting her without providing any proof.
  4. Casey’s defense team BLAMED George for the cover up of Caylee’s murder.

Hmmm… would you let a monster like this back into your home?

2 Comments on Where Will Casey Anthony Go?? Release Date Coming, 3am on July 17th

  1. Remember do not buy or watch anything with Casey on it
    or in it. Boycott tv stations and radio stations and sponsors.
    Do not let her make money off of sweet little Caylee.
    What kind of a person would make money off their child
    anyway. That is just sick!
    Do this for Caylee she never got to live her life
    her momster took her life away from her.

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