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March 26, 2025

Top Tips for College Success Part 2, What You Need to do to Improve Your Chances for a High GPA

In part one we described the basic things you need to do to succeed in college. This week, many of you are walking into your Fall classrooms for the first time. Some of you are excited and others could not be more nervous and anxious. Take the tips we gave you in part one and the tips we give you here in part two and your college experience will be a bit easier. As you prepare for your current schedule of classes, remember that with just a few minor adjustments, your time in college could prove to be even more successful than you ever dreamed.


This first tip may sound controversial to some and it may be radical to those high school geniuses who never had to do this, but study. As mentioned in part one, in the syllabus you get, there is likely to be either a reading schedule or a guideline to what parts of what books correspond with what you need to learn for your class. If you are not one to open your textbook regularly and to keep up with the course, you may want to consider a change.

If you are the type who can cram for 24 straight hours before a test and pull out a B or an occasional A, then all power to you. But most people are not like this, nor do most people want to deal with the stress associated with cramming the few days before midterms and finals. Save yourself the headaches and panic attacks and open your books once or twice a week and maybe review your notes for your classes a couple of times between tests so that studying for tests won’t seem so overwhelming.

Give in Rhythm

Do your best to establish rhythm in your academic life. Classes might be easier to deal with and getting there on time might be easier if your first class starts at the same time everyday. For instance, students who have a schedule where Monday and Wednesday their first class is 8 am, but Tuesday and Thursday classes start at 3pm, might find it difficult to establish a rhythm around their schooling and to find a rhythm for their studying.

A place where you need good rhythm is studying. If you develop good study habits at the beginning of the term and stick with them, your chances for a high GPA are good. Try to get used to studying often and at certain points in your day so that it becomes less and less of a chore and more like a typical part of your day that you are used to doing. Try to keep everything properly balanced and try to avoid a situation where you fall behind in one class, so you have to put other classes on the backburner in order to catch up, and in the end you are behind in other classes.


Take notes in class. For most courses, if the professor writes it on the board or PowerPoint, it is worth taking note of and is likely to be important for the test or paper. Try to write as legibly as you can (you will thank yourself later) and become friends with at least one person in the class. With just one person you are on good terms with, you will be able to get notes you missed and to review topics that you may not fully understand. This would come in handy especially in science, theory, and math courses.

Follow These Tips

If you want a high GPA and to succeed in college without having to cram, beg to borrow notes, or go into full panic-mode multiple times a term, follow these basic tips. Do not procrastinate in school and you can be sure you will be seeing many A’s on your grade reports.

College courses can seem overwhelming at times and the workload can seem like a mountain to overcome at times, but take these tips and you will surely have an easier time at school. These tips are not difficult to use and they will save you time and effort in the long run. Use them for your own benefit.

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