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January 22, 2025

Rupert Murdoch Phone Scandal Rocks Europe, News Of The World Stops Production

In the news world, the goal of every journalist is to find and break a huge story that would be headline news for weeks. Some journalists keep close tabs with important public figures. Other journalists stay close with high ranking executives and men and women who work behind the scenes to get the inside scoop when big events first happen. There are also those who do their best to report to the scene as quick as humanly possible to be the first to report the event of interest to the public. But apparently there is another way.

It has been revealed that the News Of The World in England has been very deceiving about how it has gotten some of its inside information. It has been made public that the company headed by Rupert Murdoch is guilty of hacking into the phones and emails of many public figures. Those who the news company are reported to have hacked include celebrities, members of the royal family, and even military officials and soldiers.

Furthermore, it is being alleged that the officials at News Of The World have tried to pay off law enforcement officials to not make the news of their hacking public.

Because of the scandal, the newspaper has essentially shut down. About two hundred men and women are now unemployed due to the scandal as News Of The World has ceased production for the moment.

To make matters worse, it is estimated that to pay back the approximately four thousand men and women who had their phones and emails hacked, News Corp is going to pay just under two billion dollars. Wednesday alone the company lost just under nine billion dollars in value due to the fallout of the scandal.

For years, the British media has been blasted for its tabloid style and apparent lack of ethics. Even the Prime Minister is launching an investigation into the ethics of the British media.

News Of The World has been around for 168 years. Rupert Murdoch, who is the owner of the newspaper, is now in the middle of a huge corruption scandal and is without a doubt going to lose a lot of credibility and money.

In a world where the news media is ridiculed and labeled as misleading and full of bias, the disgusting lack of ethics displayed by News Of The World does not just hurt the company it represents, but casts an ugly shadow over the entire world of news media.


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