San Francisco (Obama.net)- Reverend Terry Jones from Florida had been planning to organize a group burning of Quran’s to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attacks that took place on September 11th of 2001.
The decision to burn the religious books by Pastor Jones came after a Muslim group decided to construct a Muslim community center and mosque in Lower Manhattan, just blocks from the site of ground zero where the World Trade Center came tumbling down, taking the lives of nearly three thousand people.
The Reverend saw the decision to build there as insensitive and offensive and decided to lash out against the Muslim community by organizing the burning.
The Reverend, who planned to burn the Quran’s at 6pm, then said that he was not going to burn them because he would instead go to New York himself to meet with the men behind the building plans in order to convince them to move the location. Jones even reported that he had reason to believe the location would in fact be changed.
Jones did end up coming to New York City on Friday to speak with the organizer of the planned center.
While no reports of a new location were released, nor any compromises, Jones did say after the meeting that he will in fact not be burning the books.
While Jones was in New York City, police were assigned to stay close to him in an effort to make sure he was safe due to the uproar he has been causing, angering numerous Americans.
President Barack Obama spoke out against Jones’ plans. Obama made it clear that to “burn the sacred texts of someone else’s religion is contrary to what this country stands for.”
Obama said that he hopes Jones is done with any ideas of burning religious texts in the future.
Obama spoke of how the burn the Quran’s would end up leading to an uproar in the Middle East and in the United States as well.
The United States government expressed that the planned burning would in the end put the lives of American troops in danger and add fuel to al Qaeda and their followers.
With the talks now over and the burning cancelled, the remaining questions are twofold. One, will Pastor Jones stay true to his word and not burn any religious texts in the future? And two, will the Muslim center be constructed as planned?
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