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January 22, 2025

Palin Talks Return, Wants to get Involved in Presidential Race

In an interview, former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin was asked about the possibility of entering the race to become the Republican nominee for the 2012 Presidential election.

Palin was asked if there were no apparent winner for the Republican nomination, if she would jump in. She said if it gets to the point where the situation lines up as it would need to, “all bets are off,” and she would potentially throw her name into the hat.

Palin made it clear that it is still a bit too early to discuss the matter. She said, “If it had to be kind of closed up today, the whole nominating process, then we would be looking at a brokered convention. I mean nobody is quite there yet, so I think that months from now if that is the case, then you know, all bets are off as to who it will be, willing to offer themselves up in their name in service to their country. I would do whatever I could to help,” and “if that involves running for public office at some point in the future, I’m game for that.”

This is certainly not Palin officially entering the race, but she has essentially opened the door for herself if the cards line up.

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