San Francisco (Obama.net)- In Washington, D.C. today, hundreds of people waited outside the Harman Center for the Arts for four hours hoping to be one of the 550 people who would get a seat for the nights taping. The taping was for Wednesday’s episode of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” starring Jon Stewart.
This episode was a special one. One reason this taping was special is that it occurred just a few days before the Midterm Elections. Another reason is that it comes just a couple of days before Saturday’s “Rally to Restore Sanity,” which is going to be headlined by Stewart and his fellow Comedy Central political show host, Stephen Colbert. But the main reason this episode stands above all others had to do with its guest.
Stewart welcomed the President of the United States, Barack Obama to “The Daily Show” on Wednesday night. The entire episode consisted of the two men talking about the election and Obama’s term thus far.
When Stewart questioned the slow pace of both the Health Care Reform and the Economic Reform, Obama told the host that he didn’t promise change overnight. Obama said, “When we promised change you can believe in, it wasn’t in 18 months. It was change we were going to have to work on.”

Obama further explained the facets of the Health Care Reform. The President pointed out how 14 millions children who didn’t have health care before now do. He pointed out how in these hard economic times, parents can now help their children by keeping them on their health care until they’re 26. And he pointed out that the way the reform works, the deficit will actually be reduced by $1 trillion.
Obama was also questioned on the possibility that the Democrats may lose many seats in Congress on Tuesday. The President responded by pointing out that on every single measure the Democrats have presented, they have made positive progressions to the economy and the United States.
When asked about the unemployment rate and his stimulus packages, Obama cited some very important figures. Obama pointed out that before he entered office, 4 million jobs were lost and another 2 million were lost before he was even able to pass any of his economic legislature. Since then, the economy and job growth in the United States has been progressing.
Obama made it clear that when it comes to the change he is talking about, “it’s not going to happen overnight,” but it will happen. And as the statistics associated with his reforms and policies, the change that was promised is coming.
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