San Francisco (Obama.net)- It has been nearly nine years since the terrorist attacks on the United States by al Qaeda took place on September 11th, 2001 in New York City, New York. In the attacks, the Twin Towers, also known as the World Trade Center, were destroyed taking the lives of over three thousand innocent people with them.
As the United States of America has now been in two wars and an economic crisis and other catastrophes since, the healing process is still going on.
And on September 11th of this year, President Barack Obama will honor the lives lost on that day and remind the world that the citizens of the United States of America have not forgotten about that day and everything that it meant, both positive and negative.
According to White House officials, President Obama will honor the memory of that day at the Pentagon. Joe Biden, the Vice President, will be at a memorial at ground zero and the First Lady, Michelle Obama, will be in Shanksville, Pennsylvania for the memorial of Flight 93 alongside the wife of former President George W. Bush, Laura Bush.
This will mark the second year in a row that President Barack Obama will commemorate the event at the Pentagon.
Controversy arose around Obama and his choice to allow the construction of a mosque and a Muslim community center just a matter of yards away from ground zero in lower Manhattan.
Many have questioned the wisdom of constructing such a building so close to the location of the terrorist attacks of nearly a decade ago. It has been said that the idea of constructing a mosque so close to where a religiously charged attack took place were both insensitive and unintelligent.
However, President Obama, while acknowledging that he was not saying the idea was wise, realized that the group funding the construction had every right to build the community center and mosque there.
The Islam group’s right to practice their religion where they choose is given to them via the Constitution of the United States and so long as they stay true to the building codes and laws of the region, there is no right reason to stop the construction. The blocking of the construction just based on the wisdom of the location would be not only unconstitutional, but it would be a form of religious discrimination in what is supposed to be the land of the free.
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