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February 22, 2025

Obama Protects Wildlife

Late in the Bush administration, a regulation was made that hurt the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act. However, on Tuesday, the Obama administration overrode the unfavorable action.

The plan passes by former President Bush and his council allowed federal agencies an easier path to starting new ventures that have the possibility of hurting endangered wildlife. The regulation made it so that the federal agencies did not have to consult with government scientists before starting their projects.

Obama’s reversing of the ruling received much adulation from the Interior Department.

Upon initial inspection, Bush’s plan did not seem detrimental. It professed that federal agencies did not have to consult with the National Marines Fisheries Service not the United States Fish and Wildlife Service if the agency in question claimed that no harm to endangered wildlife would result.

However, the ruling of what “no harm” means is not determined by scientists, but instead by the administrators of the agency.

President Obama continued to promote the value of protecting the nation’s wildlife. Furthermore, Obama, in addition to overriding the Bush Administration’s regulation, is also launching an investigation to decide whether or not it promotes the Endangered Species Act.

President Obama’s announcements at the 160th anniversary of the Interior Department were highly hailed and lionized.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

1 Comment on Obama Protects Wildlife

  1. Secretary Salazar is not following through with the spirit of your protesting endangered wildlife. He has lifted protections from the wolves in the Northern Rockiers and Yellowstone. Please use the leverage of your office to reverse his decision or 1000 endangered wolves will be annihilated in just a short amount of time.

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