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March 10, 2025

Obama Meets With Cameron, Talk BP and Afghanistan

San Francisco ( Tuesday morning will see a monumental occurrence. The President of the United States of America Barack Obama and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron will meet for the first time in the White House.

Obama will open the doors of the Oval Office to the newly elected Prime Minister just as he and all other President’s before him had invited the leader of England. This will serve as Obama’s and Cameron’s first chance to form a friendship with each other to add to the alliance that already existed between the United States and England.

With all of the events of the last few months, in addition to upcoming events in the next couple of years, Obama and Cameron will have a great deal of topics to go over and discuss resolving.

The main focus of the Tuesday meeting will have to do with the current war in Afghanistan. The United Kingdom is currently scheduled to bring home all of their soldiers from Afghanistan in the year 2015.

Obviously, the goal of the meeting is figure out how the war can be ended and peace in the Middle East can be set by the year 2015. But also on President Obama’s mind is what should be done if the war is not complete in time and the British still decide to bring all of their troops home at the 2015 deadline.

The British desperately want to remove their troops from Afghanistan. With the costs of keeping them there, the spending by Parliament in England is too high for their own liking. Add to that how much the public disapproves of the war and there is no doubt in the minds of the British that it is definitely time to withdraw from Afghanistan.

On the topic of economy, President Obama is also planning to help Prime Minister Cameron go over the British economy in order to reverse their deficit spending. That is part of the plan by both men to improve the global economy by strengthening the economies of two of the biggest powers of the world, including the only remaining super power the United States of America.

The conversation is also expected to cover the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as the company responsible for it is BP, also known as British Petroleum. The two men will need to discuss the current process to close the spewing well and keep any more oil from leaking into the Gulf of Mexico. Furthermore, the discussion is expected to cover how BP will take responsibility to clean the region, fix all of the damages, and give back to all of the people who lost their jobs and incomes due to the spill caused by BP.

The hope is that resolutions will come on all topics that the two men will cover. The issue over the conflict in Afghanistan is the more vital one in the long haul, but the topic of the BP oil spill is clearly the one with greater urgency attached to it. Obama can only do so much to hold a foreign corporation accountable. But with the help of BP’s home government, the ability to get British Petroleum to speed up its efforts is greater.

With the two men finally coming together to form a relationship as their countries have had one for years, the current state of the global economy will be evaluated. With the combined intelligence of both men, the economy, in addition to the issues in the Mexican Gulf and Afghanistan, will be closer to being fully resolved.

With the work of President Barack Obama, combined with the help of Prime Minister David Cameron, one can be certain that relief is on the way.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

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