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March 04, 2025

Libya Crisis Continues, World Leaders Meet


The violence in Libya is not over. As the genocide continues in the Middle East state headed by Moammar Gadhafi, the leaders of the free world are coming together to figure out the best response to the violence.

President Barack Obama of the United States made it perfectly clear that what is going on in Libya would not go unaddressed and that he would reach out to other leaders to take action against Gadhafi and his government.

President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, and Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain each spoke with President Obama via telephone on Thursday.

A report from the White House explained that the President of the United States “expressed his deep concern with the Libyan government’s use of violence which violates international norms and every standard of human decency, and discussed appropriate and effective ways for the international community to immediately respond.”

Among the issues discussed was the hope to get humanitarian groups into Libya as soon as possible to assist the civilians who have been caught in the line of fire.

Sanctions are also being worked on by the four states.

As reported by the French press, President Obama and President Sarkozy shared their ideas on how to respond and informed the other of what their respective states would be doing individually.

Jay Carney, the new press secretary of the White House, announced, “What we have said is we’re not going to specify which options are on or off the table. We’re discussing a full range of options.” He added, “We’re interested in taking measures that will actually have the desired effect, which is getting the Libyan government to stop” the genocide.

The measures being discussed were not disclosed as to protect the sensitivity of the matter and to not flood the media with information that may or may not be definite.

Tunisia was successful in beginning the modernization process a few weeks ago as they sent their leader packing. Egypt followed suit by sending their leader of thirty years away after protests, some of which turned violent.

Now the question is can Libya do the same? Can the will of the people prove to be more powerful than the desire to retain power obtained by Gadhafi? And if the people are successful, will it be Gadhafi stepping down, or being taken down by his own people?

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