San Francisco (Obama.net)- For an outstanding total of 410 days, Sarah Shourd was in a prison in Iran. Shourd, along with Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were imprisoned one year ago as they were hiking along the Iranian border. They were hiking on the Kurdistan area of Iraq when they supposedly came into Iraq.
Sunday, Shourd was examined by doctors after her release and was informed that she is currently “physically well.”
Shourd told reporters that she appreciated the compassion of both Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for releasing her. She said, “It is my deepest hope that the world will not let this humanitarian gesture…go unrecognized. I believe this decision is a step in the right direction for all of us.”
She then, along with the mothers of both Bauer and Fattal asked for the release of the two young men.
Shourd returned to the United States on Sunday. She came to Washington from Dubai. She was in Dubai after being in Oman for a short time. Originally she was to be in New York, but flights were unavailable for her. They then went to New York via automobile along with Fattal’s brother and mother, as well as Bauer’s mother.
Shourd told the media, “Shane and Josh don’t deserve to be in prison one day longer than I do. We committed no crime and we are not spies. We in no way intended any harm to the Iranian government or its people and believe a huge misunderstanding led to out detention and prolonged imprisonment.”
Shourd went on to say that going onto the plane and being on her way home was a fantastic feeling, but it was bitter sweet as she was not with her friends.
After the speech, Shourd answered no questions.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced on Sunday that he now expects the United States to release 8 Iranians currently held in custody. He also said that Bauer and Fattal will both have to face the Iranian legal system and meet their fate that way as he cannot simply release them. He did say that he would “make a recommendation” though.
As Iran did make one gesture that is positive in the international community, they are still threatening the lives of two Americans. At a time when relations between the United States and Iran are in high tension, there is no doubt that Iran’s actions are not benefiting the situation in any way.
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