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October 25, 2024

Democrats Determine Positions In House, Leaders Set

Pelosi will lead the new Democratic minority in the House

Pelosi will lead the new Democratic minority in the House

San Francisco ( After much debate over whom would play what role in the House of Representatives for the Democratic Party, the final decisions have been made and the leadership for what is now the minority party in the House is set in place.

Under the new agreement in the House, Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker of the House, will now become the House Minority Leader. The House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, will now be the House Democratic whip. James Clyburn of South Carolina is going to become Assistant Leader. The position of Assistant Leader was specially created for Clyburn by Pelosi as compensation for him taking his name out of the running for minority whip.

Clyburn said on Saturday that the three represent “the diverse views, backgrounds and experiences of out membership,” and that the new leadership selection “honors the diversity and fosters the unity.”

Clyburn went on to say in his statement that the new deal and breakdown of the leadership in the House “allows us (the Democratic Party) to begin the journey back to a stronger and more resilient majority.”

Hoyer said of his new role, “ Since the election last week, I have made clear my belief that it was important for my friend Jim Clyburn to continue serving our Caucus as the third ranking member of our leadership.”

Furthermore, Connecticut’s John Larson will stay on as the caucus chairman of the Democratic Party. Also, Xavier Becerra will continue to serve as the vice chair in the caucus.

While the Republicans took over the House in the Midterm Elections nearly two weeks ago, they will not officially assume their new seats until January. Until then, the Democrats are still the majority and Nancy Pelosi, for the moment being, is still the Speaker of the House.

But once the Republicans take their new seats, the Democrats will become the minority. At that point, Pelosi, Clyburn, Hoyer, and their fellow Democrats will have essentially 22 months to restore the credibility of the Democratic Party in the eyes of the American public.

With the new Congress structure in America, it is a safe bet to assume that nothing will be done in terms of progressive legislature over the course of the next two years. With political lines divided greater than ever, it is very safe to assume that despite Republican legislature passing in the House, the Senate is still divided 53 to 47 and it will become near impossible to pass any bill, Republicans or Democratic. Essentially, as far as progress in America goes, attention might as well be placed on November 6th, 2012.

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