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October 25, 2024

Apple Profit Increases, Doubles with iPhone Sales

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Just when you thought they could not do it again, Apple has nearly doubled their profit. In the last fiscal quarter, Apple came close to doubling its profit thanks to amazing iPhone sales.

In the first three months of 2012 alone, Apple sold an astonishing 35.1 million iPhones. A big thanks for that goes to newer users in Verizon Wireless subscribers. Another thanks goes to consumers in China. After launching the new iPhone 4S overseas, Chinese consumers bought the phone at high rates.

After the news broke, Apple stock jumped up seven percent.

In addition, 11.8 million iPads were sold in the first fiscal quarter of the year. The iPad is now being used by 67 million users after only two years on the market. It took notably longer to sell that many iPhones and iPods.

In the first quarter, 4 million Mac computers were sold and only 7.7 million iPods were sold.

Apple proved to be the most dominant force in the technology world. Yet again the company continues to break sales records and to be the top company in various markets.

With computers, phones, music players, and tablets, it seems that Apple truly does have every vital and profitable technology market cornered.

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  1. Apple Makes More History, Becomes Most Valuable Company in History

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