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December 22, 2024

WikiLeaks Continues To Frustrate Government, To Release More Documents

WikiLeaks to release more documents

WikiLeaks to release more documentsSan Francisco ( It was just a matter of weeks ago that WikiLeaks, led by founder Julian Assange released thousands of private military documents. The new publications highly angered the Pentagon and the rest of the United States government as their private files had been penetrated and released to the public. While the initial round of documents did not include any information that the public did not already have access to, the principle of the violation upset President Barack Obama.

On their twitter feed, the organization said that Wednesday they will release even more documents, much to the chagrin of the United States government and the Pentagon.

The first round of documents pertained to the United States occupation of Afghanistan. Assange and his team released a grand total of nearly 76,000 government documents that were not intended to see the light of day. WikiLeaks has dubbed their Afghanistan War documents the “Afghan War Diary.” It is yet to be known if Wednesday’s group of documents will be a part of the same set of documents.

According to reports, WikiLeaks is in the possession of another near 15,000 private reports that it will in fact make public shortly.

The United States Defense Department has said in no uncertain terms that WikiLeaks is to give back all of the government documents in their possession to the Pentagon and not keep any copies.

Robert Gates, the United States Defense Secretary is worried that the release of more documents would put the American soldiers and the allies of the United States in danger due to the publication of military plans and strategies even more than the first round of documents already have.

Assange claims that none of the documents released have any information that will put anyone at risk. He also made it clear that the information in the documents will simply help the people of the United States better understand the war.

As the controversy surrounding WikiLeaks and Julian Assange continues to grow, there is no question that President Barack Obama and the United States government simply want to keep the private military documents just that: private.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

1 Comment on WikiLeaks Continues To Frustrate Government, To Release More Documents

  1. What Wikileaks and ASSange are about is not a “safe haven for whistleblowers,” but the steady assault on and errosion of American standing.

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