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March 05, 2025

United States Looking Into Libya, Obama Says Intervention Is An Option

Tensions are still high in Libya. As the conflict continues to grow in the politically torn state, the world continues to watch. One person watching just happens to be the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

Obama has already seen two states overthrow their leaders in favor of reforming to a modern society with a democratic government.

As Gadhafi is continuing his genocide of innocent people, the world is demanding that the leader of Libya stop.

But Gadhafi has yet to back off and end his murderous political statement of power.

This is where President Obama comes in.

On Thursday, Obama gave the military of the United States the calling orders to be prepared to go into Libya to try to force the genocide to a halt.

Obama said that as thousands have left Libya in order to find shelter, there is “a situation in which defenseless civilians were finding themselves trapped and in great danger.”

The President of the United States has said that because of his actions, Gadhafi is no longer fit to lead the Libyan people and has no option but to step down, whether it be by choice or force.

Obama went on to say that he would act accordingly to the will of the rest of the international community. He said that he would not send troops to intervene unless it is truly the best choice. In Egypt and Tunisia, the will of the people proved to be enough to bring political reform. The hope is the will of the people can do the same in Libya.

Actions taken against Gadhafi already include the placement of warships in the nearby waters of the Mediterranean Sea and discussing making Libya a no-fly zone.

Those against Gadhafi and his followers have been battling for weeks. With no official number of casualties and no end in sight, it might be best for Obama to send over soldiers to try to end the emerging civil war.

As leaders throughout the international community continue to deliberate on what to do to Gadhafi and how to handle the escalating situation, it is good to know that the United States is prepared to lead the way and bring about the end to the violence.

With people dying everyday and others fleeing the state, hopefully sooner rather than later the fighting will stop with or without the help of the American troops.

1 Comment on United States Looking Into Libya, Obama Says Intervention Is An Option

  1. its nice to be offered by help from a strong country,but to me it is perplexing, why libya? oil country but not tunisia and eygept without excusing about “they did it in calm peace way”…..hoping an answer.

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