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January 22, 2025

Trump Talks About Obama, Says Birth Certificate Missing


Donald Trump has proven to the American public that what many thought his potential presidential campaign is is in fact what they thought: a major publicity stunt. At first it was thought that maybe the business tycoon would be able to take over the American economy and change it for the better with his business savvy and expertise.

However, it became quickly evident that Trump is more interested in getting attention for himself rather than stringing together a strong campaign and bringing about ideas that would truly benefit the United States.

Trump has been bashing other candidates and making radical claims that while they are getting him attention and support from some extreme Republicans, will not win him an election in a nation where the majority of voters are towards the center of the political spectrum and not towards the left wing or the right wing.

Monday, Trump spoke with Anderson Cooper of CNN. Instead of focusing on policies or the economy, Trump chose to distract from the real issues with his comments on President Obama and his citizenship. Trump told Cooper that he was confident that Obama was not a real American citizen.

Trump told Cooper, “Well I’ve been told very recently, Anderson, that the birth certificate is missing. I’ve been told that it’s not there or it doesn’t exist. And if that’s the case it’s a big problem. I’d love for him to produce his birth certificate so that you can fight one-on-one. If you look at what he’s doing to fuel prices, you can do a great fight one-on-one, you don’t need this issue.”

Trump would not reveal his sources. Which makes sense since all other sources indicate that Trump is wrong in his claims.

The Obama campaign released a copy of his birth certificate in 2008. The Hawaiian state government has officially stated that Obama was born in the state. And Gary Tuchman of the Hawaii Department of Health has told CNN that she has seen the original copy of his birth certificate and it is currently in the department building’s vault.

Trump’s actions have made it very hard to believe that a real bid for the Republican nomination is coming. He has chosen to orchestrate a slander campaign against Obama and essentially push away all Democrats and much of the swing voters. He is turning off the voters he needs and is doing the one thing he said he would not: ignore the real issues facing the United States of America.

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