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March 04, 2025

Starbucks Helps Out Economy, Brings More Jobs

Monday, Starbucks made a huge announce about a plan to bring more money to small business to hire more employees. The program is called Create Jobs for USA.

Starbucks is going to ask for donations from their millions of daily customers, their huge amount of employees, and from anyone who is willing to chip in. All of the funds will be given to the Opportunity Finance Network, which in itself has 180 institutions to help spur small business growth.

Those institutions will then provide the money to small businesses so they can hire more employees and boost revenue.

Obama has called the small businesses of the nation the backbone of the country. Executives at Starbucks agree.

Starting November 1st, donations can be given at about 6,800 Starbucks locations and at

The first donation has already been set. Starbucks itself has given five million dollars to the donation pool to kick start the initiative.


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