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January 18, 2025

Romney Prepares to Serve Santorum Final Blow, Readies to Face Obama in November

With three Republican primary elections slated for Tuesday, Mitt Romney is preparing to finally knock out Rick Santorum. Santorum is his number one challenger for the Republican nomination.

Romney is hoping to nail three decisive victories in Washington DC, Maryland, and Wisconsin to finally get Santorum to give up and understand the election is basically over. Already leading the way, Tuesday should see Romney secure numerous delegates to further close in on the 1,144 delegates he needs to secure the nomination. Romney currently has 571 delegates while Santorum has just 264.

Santorum still believes in himself and believes that he must continue his pursuit for the nomination to become the Republican nominee to challenge President Obama in November.

However, the Republican voters have so far made it clear that they want Romney. Romney is mathematically projected to win the nomination and based on the remaining states should not see too much trouble in winning.

While Santorum’s fight is respectable, it is hampering the chances of the Republican Party to stand a chance against Obama in the fall. The longer Santorum stays in the race, the more resources Romney and other party officials have to spend before even facing off with Obama.

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