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March 28, 2025

Rachel Uchitel Gives Tiger Woods Settlement Money Back, Sues Gloria Allred

Uchitel made millions, then lost millions
Uchitel made millions, then lost millions

No one can forget the Tiger Woods scandal. Woods cheated on his wife with dozens of women. The squeaky clean image of the man who many argue is the best golfer in history quickly deteriorated. Many of the women Tiger Woods slept with came forward about their encounters with the athlete. One of those women was Rachel Uchitel.

According to a report by TMZ, Uchitel has given Tiger Woods nearly all of the money she received from him, $10 million, in a settlement.[readnext]

Word is that just before Uchitel was ready to hold a press conference to tell the world about her experiences with Tiger Woods, which would have further damaged his reputation, Uchitel’s lawyer Gloria Allred was able to put together a settlement deal.

The settlement agreement got Uchitel a reported ten million dollars. However, according to the deal, Uchitel could not talk about Tiger Woods and their experiences together as part of a confidentiality clause. In addition, if she did break the confidentiality clause, she would be forced to return all of the money to Woods. She would also be susceptible to a lawsuit by Woods for damages to his public persona and private life.

Woods’ lawyer, Jay Lavely, decided to legally attack Uchitel after she had spoke with TMZ reporters and appeared on the television program “Celebrity Rehab” and talked about her love addiction. However, Uchitel never spoke of Woods in either instance.

Allred told Uchitel that if she decided to fight the charges she would lose even though she did not think so. As part of a deal with Lavely, Allred made another settlement where Uchitel would give up much of the money she initially received from Woods.

However, according to the deal, Allred would still get her attorney fee on the full $10 million for representing Uchitel. Allred would not have been paid if Uchitel lost in arbitration.

Uchitel believes that Allred sold her out in order to make sure she got paid. Now Uchitel is working with a malpractice attorney to sue Allred to get her money back. Allred has an undisclosed deadline to pay Uchitel or face a lawsuit.

Allred is maintaining that she did not sell Uchitel out and that the claims are completely false. However, Uchitel stands by her claims and is ready to go after Allred in an attempt to get her money back. After losing out on millions of dollars, Uchitel is simply trying to get justice for what she believes has been wrongdoing done against her illegally.

View These Photos of Uchitel

Uchitel and Allred

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