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October 18, 2024

Obama to Boost Organized Labor

Friday morning, President Obama announced plans that would help middle class Americans and help boost organized labor.

Obama signed a total of three executive orders. Those orders are intended to reverse the policies concerning organized labor that were made during President Bush’s two terms in office. Obama stated that he strongly disagreed with Bush’s policies.

Obama’s policies would make it mandatory for federal contractors to offer work to current workers at the times of contract changes. In addition, the policies would increase the workers ability to form a union with less hindering by the federal contractors.

Vice President Joe Biden also announced that on February 27th, a meeting is planned to bring all of the Cabinet members who can make an impression onto the middle class. Economist Jared Bernstein will lead the group. The meeting that will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania will include discussion of current major issues such as health care, equality in the workplace, and college opportunities. In addition, Biden stated that the first focus would be on “green jobs, those jobs that pay well, can’t be outsourced and will help us move toward a cleaner, more self-sufficient energy future”

More meetings are planned in the near future around the nation.

Biden also stated that the plan was intended to improve the lives of all Americans, not just the middle class.

The government has also set up a website. is a website created by the Obama administration so the American public can see recent government activities and even suggest ideas.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

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