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January 18, 2025

Obama Takes Stance, Supports Same Sex Marriage

Almost immediately after North Carolina voted to ban same sex marriage, President Barack Obama showed his disagreement in the statement that millions have been waiting for. Obama confirmed the stance saying, “I think same sex couples should be able to get married.”

Obama previously had said his views on the matter were evolving. After Vice President Joe Biden and other members of his administration said they were in favor of same sex marriage, Obama followed suit. Obama said he has changed his views on the matter over time as a result to speaking about the issue with his family, members of his administration and staff, and gay and lesbian leaders.

Obama spoke of his own daughters in part of his realization. He said they have friends who have parents who are same sex couples. He said his daughters did not understand why that was a problem.

This led Obama to realize the same sex debate is an issue that is “generational” as the youth of today are more accepting of homosexuals and same sex marriage is something that will one day be common and legal.

Will President Obama attempt to put forth legislation to legalize same sex marriage? If his motion to remove “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is any indication, there is a good chance he is going to move to legalize same sex marriage.

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