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January 22, 2025

Obama Stops In Seattle, Rebukes Republicans

Obama Visits Seattle
AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

Obama Visits Seattle
AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

San Francisco ( President Obama spent the second day of his three-day campaign trail to fundraise and promote his fellow Democrats in Seattle, Washington. Obama stopped in the northwest state to stand by the side of Patty Murray, the United States Senator. Obama held two separate events in Seattle in order to raise funds for Murray, as well as the rest of his party.

In his first trip to Seattle in nearly two and a half years, President Barack Obama raises a grand total of 1.3 million dollars for his colleagues. The money came from a big rally and a private dinner that cost ten thousand dollars per person.

Obama’s visit began with a meeting of local business people in order to tout the benefits of his small business bill that is waiting to be voted on in Congress. Obama explained the different facets of his plan to make sure that it is completely understood by the men and women it would affect.

In his speech for Murray in the Westin Seattle Hotel, 1,400 people paid from five hundred dollars, to ten thousand dollars to hear the President speak.

Obama promoted the increase of American made products and the increase of American exports, and in turn a decrease in imports. Obama said, “At the heart of this rebuilding effort are three simple words- made in America.”

Obama reminded his audience that it was the Republicans who got us in this economic crisis to begin with and that it is the Democrats who have spent nearly two years digging us out. Obama wittingly said, “when you want to move forward, you put your car in D. When you want to go backward, you put it in R. That’s not a coincidence.”

Obama further said, “we are at one of these inflection points in our nation’s history when for decades we’ve put off tough challenges. When for decades we’ve not addressed problems that were structural.”

Obama is now addressing those issues. With the support of Democrats like Murray and the others in Congress and throughout the United States, President Obama is hoping to take out all of the problems that the leaders of the past had simply swept under the rug.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

1 Comment on Obama Stops In Seattle, Rebukes Republicans

  1. Patty Murray, Obama & company give themselves a pay raise as I recall from the taxpayers this last session — However, Seniors got nothing for two years (2010 and 2011), not even cost of living or a simple “here $50 for food or gas”. I see no reason to send Patty Murray back in November 2010 and then we wait for November 2012.

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