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March 12, 2025

Obama Speaks In Ohio, Introduces New Plans, Blasts Republicans

Obama speaks in Ohio on economy and Republicans

Obama speaks in Ohio on economy and Republicans

San Francisco ( The Midterm Elections are now less than two months away and President Barack Obama is working harder than ever to let every single American know that the Democrats have the best interest of the United States at heart. Obama and his administration have spent the last few months touring the United States and campaigning for members of the Democratic Party up for election come November 2nd. And after stopping by Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Monday, President Obama spoke in Parma, Ohio on Wednesday.

Obama came to Cuyahoga Community College on Wednesday and mainly spoke about the economy.

Obama talked about a plan that would be worth three hundred and fifty billion dollars. The plan includes two hundred billion dollars in tax cuts that would be given to businesses when they spend money to attain new technology and equipment to increase the efficiency of their work and hire more workers.

Obama also told the Ohio crowd about his fifty billion dollar infrastructure reconstruction plan that he recently introduced to the nation. The President reiterated another plan that would cost one hundred billion dollars over the next decade to extend tax credits for developments and research by businesses permanently.

Also mentioned was Obama’s hope to extend all of former President Bush’s successful tax credits, other than the one fore those who annually bring in at least a quarter of a million dollars.

After touting the economic progressions made since he took office and illustrating the future plans for the American economy, Obama turned his attention to the Republican Party.

Obama informed the audience that John Boehner, the House Minority Leader, has repeatedly stood in the way of new, progressive ideas, but has praised “the same philosophy we already tried for the last decade. The same philosophy that led to this mess in the first place.”

Obama told the crowd that the November election is a choice between the Democratic Party and its offer of new progressive ideas to rebuild the United States of America, or the Republican Party and its offer of the same old ideas that led to the economic crash and lack of patriotism in the first place.

Obama knocked Republicans for being more interested in playing political games instead of truly looking out for the future of the United States.

As the date of November 2nd quickly approaches, the citizens of the United States must truly analyze their options and decide what direction they want America to go for the next two years.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

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