San Francisco (Obama.net) – The issue of border security on the border between the United States of America and Mexico has been debated for decades. While no giant wall will be built and while tens of thousands of troops will not be lining the border to make sure that no illegal activity occurs, an increase of security forces will be added.
Friday morning, President Barack Obama silently signed the Southwest Border Security Bill into law. The new law will bring in six hundred million dollars to border security.
The money will be used to bring in 1,500 new security agents, new aerial vehicles, and, according to a report from the White House, “to enhance technology at the border, share information and support with state, local, and tribal law enforcement, and increase presence and law enforcement activities at the border.”
The goal of the increased security levels is to attempt to reduce the amount of illegal drugs and weapons being smuggled across the border, in addition to the decrease in the number of people illegally crossing the border into the United States, which is sure to please Arizona Governor Jan Brewer who is targeting illegal immigration in her own, highly questionable way.
Obama said of the new law, “this new law will also strengthen our partnership with Mexico targeting the gangs and criminal organizations that operate on both sides of our shared border. So these steps will make an important difference as my administration continues to work with Congress toward bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform to secure our borders and restore responsibility and accountability to our broken immigration system.”
Clearly, President Obama is determined to fix the problems pertaining to the border issues and illegal immigration.
Unlike Governor Brewer, Obama is seeking to go about his immigration reform in a peaceful manner. Brewer simply wants to persecute anyone who might be an immigrant, while Obama will respect the privacy of American’s and work intelligently to eliminate the illegal immigrants who are criminals from the United States while allowing those who simply came for a better life for their families to apply for citizenship through a process of fines, registrations, and paying taxes.
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