San Francisco (Obama.net)- Thursday, Christina Romer announced that she would be leaving the Obama Administration. Romer had been on of the most prominent economic advisors to the President of the United States of America for the first year and a half of his term.
As the economy is finally turning around and the tough battle is finally beginning to look brighter, Romer has decided to leave her post and return to the job she held before joining forces with President Barack Obama. Romer said that she would go back to the University of California at Berkeley and once again be an Economics Professor at the public university.
Christina Romer is not the first member of Obama’s economic team to leave in the past few months. Peter Orszag, who was the budget director also stepped down recently.
Romer had nothing but good things to say about her time working for President Obama and in the White House. She called her experience the “honor of a lifetime.”
She went on to say that “while I look forward to returning to research and teaching, the opportunity to help shape economic policy these past twenty months and to work with the other members of the economic team and my colleagues on the CEA, is one I will always cherish.”
Obama spoke highly of Romer in return, saying, “Christy Romer has provided extraordinary service to me and our country during a time of economic crisis and recovery. The challenges we faced demanded more of Christy than any of her predecessors and I greatly valued and appreciated her skill, commitment, and wise counsel.”
Romer is returning home to California mainly to be with her family. However, it was announced that she would continue to contribute to President Obama and his administration despite not being in the White House anymore. She will do so by continuing to be a member of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
With Romer stepping down as Orszag did, it is not again time for President Obama to replace a member of his economic team. And in due time, we will find out who he sees as a fit replacement for Romer.
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