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February 22, 2025

Obama Comments On Jobs

San Francisco ( In the past two and a half years, the United States of America has seen an amount of jobs lost that has not been seen since the times of the Great Depression in the 1930’s. With millions of jobs being lost in the last couple of years, unemployment rates have skyrocketed to unprecedented levels. However, President Barack Obama has been all that he and his administration can to restore many of those lost jobs, as well as create new jobs for the citizens of the United States.

Unfortunately, despite all the success President Obama gains, one thing he cannot avoid is the critics.

Many people are pointing out the fact that despite all of Obama’s projects, policies, measures, and stimulus packages, approximately 125,000 total jobs were lost this June.

Even with these numbers, when closer analysis of the statistics of the last two and a half years is taken, it is clear that President Barack Obama is correct when he says that the United States road to economic recovery is “on the right track.”

The President of the United States of America went on to point out the fact that during former President George Bush’s final term, jobs were being lost at a much higher rate. Obama said, “We had lost nearly three million jobs during the last six months of 2008.” Obama, during his speech on economics at the United of Nevada Las Vegas, then mentioned that even when he took over on January 20th, 2009, the total number of jobs lost that month were 750,000.

These numbers are monumental compared to the mere 125,000 jobs lost this June, most of which were government jobs for the 2010 census that were being phased out due to no longer being of necessity.

Obama then spoke about the jobs he created in the first half of 2010, saying, “We have gained private sector jobs for each of the past six months instead of losing them. Almost 600,000 new jobs.”

President Obama acknowledged the fact that total recovery is yet to be seen. As Obama said, “the simple truth is it took years to dig this hole. It’s going to take more time than any of us would like to climb out of it.”

Obama is hoping to use the clean energy industry to help climb out of the hole. As more and more clean energy jobs are being created, more and more financing is needed for them. Over five hundred corporations are collectively asking for well over eight billion dollars via tax credits from the United States government. However, the current budget for these programs is a mere $2.3 billion. Obama is working with Congress to increase the budget to increase the number of clean energy jobs.

As Obama has worked towards creating new jobs, he has faced critics. However, Obama has overcome the criticisms and shown the American people that he is in fact creating jobs on a daily basis, as well as decreasing the amount of jobs being cut and eliminated. If Obama can continue to positively work with Congress, the number of clean energy jobs will increase, thus lowering the unemployment rate, and booming the economy upward.

With more work like this, President Obama is taking the proper steps needed to bring the United States of America back to economic stability and total recovery.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

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