The economy has hit a wall. After months of amazing growth, all of the sudden, the job creation in the United States has slowed down. It does not help in the slightest that in July, August, and September, state and local governments are expected to release an estimated 110,000 public employees, many of which will come from the education field.
Needless to say, the unemployment rate is going to suffer as over one hundred thousand men and women are going to need new jobs, but the job supply simply will not be sufficient enough to accommodate them all.
Enter President Barack Obama.
Monday, Obama spoke with officials to discuss new ideas to help increase job growth in America. The meeting was the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. The event took place in Durham, North Carolina.
The main conclusion that Obama came to was that the debt issue needed to be addressed so that job growth can truly have an opportunity to take off. Obama said, “We need to solve our medium and long term debt problems, not just for abstract reasons, but because they’re a concrete impediment to growth and jobs.”
Obama has the opinion that if the government were more secure financially, then private corporations would feel more confident about investing in expansion and new employees.
The President also told Congress indirectly that Republicans and Democrats need to come together and stop playing petty political games in order to increase job growth and decrease the national debt and deficit. Obama said on Monday, “It sends a message to Congress that we shouldn’t have to work around Congress. Regardless of whatever political camp you’re in, there are some common sense ideas that we can all embrace and that should not be subject to political gamesmanship.”
Obama wants to change the way the system in the United States works when it comes to getting new projects into the construction phase.
At the end of the day, President Obama knows that it is now or never for the United States. The debt ceiling has been hit. Job growth has slowed down remarkably. It is time for the government to get together and actually lead the United States to an economic resurrection.
And President Obama knows this all too well. Monday was meant to be an intellectual get together to strategize for job growth, but Obama turned it into a demand of Congress to stop playing around and do what they were elected to do.
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