San Francisco (Obama.net)- Five years ago, the hurricane known as Katrina came across the United States southern border and ravaged the Gulf region of America. While multiple states and cities were hit, there is no doubt that the hardest hit area was that of New Orleans, Louisiana. The town was flooded as the water poured into the streets. With the city submerged under water, countless people lost their homes and property. In addition, thousands were killed by the terrible natural disaster.
After the initial relief efforts were completed, national media interest in the tragedy faded heavily. However, the city of New Orleans was still in great need of help. And five years later, the damage is still not completely fixed up and healed.
And being the aware President that he is, Barack Obama has worked with his administration to provide funding for the region to help continue the relief efforts.
26.8 million dollars are being sent to Louisiana to fund seven rebuilding efforts via the disaster recovery fund and the Stafford Act of the United States of America. In addition, another 1.6 million dollars will go to Mississippi.
The Obama Administration has already been highly supportive of the relief efforts. The newly announced funding is in addition to the previous two and a half billion dollars Obama has already set aside for the area in the past twenty months.
Furthermore, Obama has made it clear that he will continue to press on and work to make sure that the region makes a full recovery.
Some of the projects under the recent fund include assistance for Xavier University, Archdiocese of New Orleans St. Martin Manor Yellow Masonry Assisted Living Complex, Our Lady of Lourdes School, Salmen high School, Hancock North Central Elementary, fixing up sewer systems, and a rec center and gym in Cameron Parish.
Just days before the anniversary of one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States of America, President Barack Obama and his administration sent a clear message to the people of America. And that message read that as long as he is president, he will come through for the people in need in the United States.
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