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December 22, 2024

Medicare Improving, Health Reform Proving Positive

Medicare Improving Under Obama

Medicare Improving Under Obama

San Francisco ( There has been much speculation over whether or not Medicare in the United States of America has enough financial stability to last for most than a few more years. Thanks to the health care reform put into place by President Barack Obama, the speculation can end, as there is definitely enough funding to keep the program running strong for years to come.

Initially, many questioned Obama’s health care reform and how it would impact the United States. Some misinformed individuals called it socialism while others thought it would just be a waste of money that could be better spent. At the end of the day, the benefits of the reform are very evident.

Senior citizens in the United States have already begun to get their two hundred and fifty dollar rebates that could be used to help pay for medication.

As unused financial aid, fraudulent claims, and other misuses of government money are being detected by the Obama Administration, more money is being set aside for the senior citizens of this nation, thus making it easier for them to afford their health care.

Obama made it clear that Medicare is at the very least owed to the senior citizens of the United States. Obama said, “Medicare isn’t just a program, it’s a commitment to America’s seniors. That after working your whole life, you’ve earned the security of quality health care that you can afford As long as I am president, that’s a commitment this country is going to keep.”

According to the United States Treasury, with Obama’s reform, Medicare is now projected to last an extra twelve years without problems.

Republicans are trying to argue that the plan won’t work, as Obama is not planning to extend the tax cuts for the wealthy, which Republicans claim are needed to allow the wealthy to hire more workers and thus boost the economy and provide money for Medicare.

However, the big corporations of America were fine before the Bush tax cuts and they will be fine after. It’s the small businesses that are suffering and need Obama’s help.

With Obama’s actions, both the small businesses of America, as well as the elderly in the United States rest assure that they will be taken care of in the days to come.

About Mark Ryabtsev 329 Articles
Mark Ryabtsev is head writer for He stays up to date on all Obama news and brings you the most important issues.

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