In the last month, two states in the Middle East and North Africa region have seen revolts against the government by the people. In Tunisia, the president had to evacuate his seat and flee from the country due to the political unrest. In Egypt, Mubarak got rid of his cabinet only to replace it the next day and promise a political reform, but the citizens of the state want the president to step down.
King Abdullah II of Jordan watched the events in Tunisia and Egypt quickly unfold and took notice.
The King of Jordan looked at his own state and the political system in it and realized that if things continued the way they were going, his state might be the third to see a revolt.
Knowing that such an event would mean that he might be overthrown and would leave the state in turmoil, King Abdullah got rid of his government on Tuesday and made Marouf Al Bakhit the new Prime Minister.
Al Bakhit was given specific instructions to bring about a “genuine political reform.”
According to Jordan’s Royal Court, the new government will work to bring the reform quickly and efficiently. In addition, the new government will solidify democracy in the state.
The King told his people in the statement released by the Royal Court that the future leaders of the state will no longer put their own interests ahead of the people, but make the interests of the people the top priority.
King Abdullah told Al Bakhit and the new government to review all of the laws of the state and make choices on how to fix the problems created by former leaders.
In addition, the new government will inspect all of the allegations of corruption within the country.
According to the former Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan, Jawad Anani, the King’s overall goal is a reform throughout the state that includes politics, society, education, and the economy in an effort to propel Jordan into the modern world.
Anani admitted that the process is not something that can be fully accomplished in the near future, but the King has done all of the right things he can do to this point.
The messages sent by the people of Tunisia and Egypt were clear. It is time for change in the Middle East. And King Abdullah II realized that the people are right, it is time for the Middle East to modernize.
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