Ever since President Barack Obama took over as President of the United States of America, he has been working nonstop to provide American’s with new jobs in order to resurrect the economy of the United States. One criticism of the job market over the last year is that even though jobs are being created, the jobs are not being created fast enough to satisfy every last struggling American.
Obama got a little bit of help from an unlikely source on Tuesday.
Often times when people tell the unemployed to get a job, McDonald’s is used as the last resort that everyone should at the very least apply for. Oddly enough, that is exactly who was hiring on Tuesday.
Tuesday, McDonald’s held its first ever national hiring day. The company as a whole looked to hire 50,000 new employees in an effort to stimulate the American economy and get Americans out of the unemployment line.
Individual McDonald’s locations reported having hundreds of people come in throughout the day to fill out an application in hopes of regaining a steady income.
Those who came into the fast food restaurants located at every corner of the United States represented Americans young and old. From teenagers in high school looking to earn a bit of pocket cash to middle age Americans looking to make a bit of income after being unemployed in order to feed their families, it seemed like everyone was taking up McDonald’s on their offer.
John DeCarrier, a McDonald’s franchise owner from the Chicago area, said that just being a part of the McDonald’s crew could lead to much better things to those applying on Tuesday. DeCarrier, who along with his wife began as regular crew members, said, “People who start as crew members can work their way into any number of positions, including general manager, supervisor, positions in marketing, construction and real estate, or as owner-operators.”
All McDonald’s locations took applications both in their stores and on their website. They offer pay based on which location the employee works at and how much experience they have. Some people make as little as minimum wage while managers can make as much as $50,000 per year.
While a job at McDonald’s is not going to provide a former executive with the same salary he or she once had, it would give them a source of income, which in this economy is hard to come by.
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