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February 23, 2025

BlackBerry Troubles Continue, RIM Faces Accusations of Lying

Recently, it has been announced that the BlackBerry 10 will not be unveiled to the public until late in 2012. However, the CEO of Research In Motion Mike Lazaridis has just been accused of lying about why exactly the system has been delayed. The company has completely denied the charges.

Research In Motion claims that the reason the system is delayed is because they are waiting on the new LTE chip to come in. However, an employee from within the company is claiming that the claim is just not factual.

The employee says that the real reason for the delay is because there is difficulty in installing the email and BlackBerry Messenger functions from traditional BlackBerry operating systems into the new BlackBerry 10 system. The employee allegedly contested that if the BlackBerry 10 were to be released now, it would be worse than the original versions of the iPhone, iPad, and Android.

BlackBerry has dealt with numerous setbacks all year and this one is definitely not going to help. iPhone and Android are running away with the cell phone market and the more problems that BlackBerry encounters, the harder it will be to get back any control of the market.

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  1. RIM Future Looking Bad, BlackBerry Owners Should Look at Other Options

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