30 year old, bride to be, Kim Kardashian definitely wants her fans to keep up with her whole life. Therefore she will be having a special on E! that will let fans see her wedding and the events leading up to it. The show will be called “Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashian Event” and will air on October 9th and October 10th at 8pm and 9pm to make it a four hour special. [readnext]This special will cover all of the wedding including the plans, the couple’s parties and the wedding day itself.
The actually wedding day will be held on August 20th in Montecito California where she will be marrying 26 year old NBA power forward, Kris Humphries. Kim Kardashian even created a special edition fragrance for the occasion called “Love by Kim Kardashian” so that her fans can small the wedding in the air as they are watching the show!
What lengths Kim won’t go to milk this ride of fame she is on. And who would have thought that her rise to the top started with a raunchy sex tape with hip hop singer Ray J.
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