The franchise of Marine movies by the WWE was slated to continue with the Marine: Homefront starring multiple time WWE Champion Randy Orton. However, after protesting from the United States Marine Corps, Orton has been pulled from the film.
While Orton is a very popular wrestler and fans were excited to see him star in the film, Orton’s military history came back to haunt him.
Cpl. Mike Vinn, who was in the same Marine unit as Orton, went to the WWE and protested Orton’s role. In 1999, Orton was dishonorably discharged and court-martialed. Orton got into trouble for not following orders from one of his commanding officers and going AWOL two different times. The WWE superstar ended up spending 38 days in military jail.
Vinn said he was “disgusted that his face and the word Marine are being used next to each other, real or fake.” He went on to say that Orton “in the role of a Marine is a disgrace to those that have worn and are wearing that uniform.”
After Orton was officially pulled from the film, Vinn thanked the WWE on behalf of his military unit, the United States Marine Corps, and everyone who has ever served the United States in the military.
The film is still expected to be filmed, but will not have Orton in it. It is being discussed that either the current WWE Champion CM Punk, the former Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, or the man starred in the original Marine, John Cena, will take over the role for the third installment of the series.
randy orton would be great in the marine 3. people should just move on from the past.randy orton is hot and he is a great actor.i think your making a mistake in pulling him from the movie.